Chapter 7

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Amy's POV :
There, I stood, numb, in front of the café for I knew what was awaiting me. There were laughs inside and I knew that old grey-headed bitch was fangirling over that stupid playboy. Anyone in her situation would do that. I collected my confidence and entered the café. A sudden silence conquered the room before I broke it and said: "I forgot my stuff, so I'm here to take them." I avoided their stare and tried to concentrate on what I was doing so I can get out as fast as possible until she spoke:

"Neymar, honey, would you tell us how many goals you have scored against EspanLOL, this season?"

"Well, I don't actually remember. But what I'm definitely sure of is, throughout Espanyol's history, they still haven't reached half of the goals I scored." He joked.

"I don't mean to be nosy and all but I believe that Espanyol are the best football club no matter what." I said.

"Hahahahahaha." They all laughed making me wanna hit each and everyone with a brick on their face.

I got my backpack ready and wished them a goodnight as I got out. I looked at my watch that my mom has given to me on my sixteenth birthday. It was the most precious gift I had and it meant a lot to me. Non of the thousand dollar watches would replace it...

It passed 8:45 already and I surely missed the first half of the game. I didn't care less of the result cause I knew my team would give out it's best not like any other. I was blocks away from my where I lived. It was a small apartment in a half wrecked building. That was all I can afford as a rent. I didn't dream of a castle like any princess though I wouldn't say no to it, but in my case all I would want is a bed to lay on. As I stepped to cross to the other side of the street, I saw a beaming light, it came from a sports car. I crossed the street before it could pass me and as soon as I stepped inside the building, I heard someone calling: "Hey!" Neymar said.

"Excuse me, are you following me? Or what?" I asked.

"Uhm, no, not exactly but I just wanted to apologize." He said really ashamed.

All those tricks didn't work on me especially from a dïck like him.

"Seriously, you fire me from my only job and then come here apologising like nothimg happened? What kind of person are you?" I asked with temper rising with in me.

"You have the right to tell me that and I'm really sorry. Please except my apology. Pleaaaasseee." He said with a puppy face. I poker faced him and continued my way up to my apartment. Those pleading faces didn't work on me. I gained responsibility at an young age because of my father's early death and my mom's sickness. So nothing would trick me especially good charms unlike other girls. I made my way to open the door and felt a hand pulling me away.

"Look, I don't know what the fuck you need right now and I don't want to. So please get the fuck out of here before I lose my temper and hit you in the face." I said smiling at him. His facial expression looked odd.

"Oh, really, you would hit me in the face. Well ok do it." He said pretty sure that I won't.

I wouldn't do that because the only thing that I didn't want is getting in trouble. I sighed and opened the door whilst his hand closed it in a split second. My heart jumped in it's place startling the shït out of me. I turned to face him and as soon as his lips moved, I gathered all my courage and slapped him right on his face. He looked at me with his eyes wide opened probably surprised by my reaction.

"The only thing I needed right now is a bastard like you playing shit on me." I said and turned away...

I entered my apartment and kneeled down to my knees. I tried to replay the events of the day and realised that I'm fücked up at the moment. Tears slid down on my cheek and I couldn't suppress all the mixed emotions anymore. Maybe if I cry, I would do myself good or make it worse...

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