Chapter 9

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I woke up hours later and realized that the sky was pitch black. I checked my phone and saw that it passed midnight. I looked up to her apartment and it seemed to me that she had gone to sleep since no lights were on. I started my car's engine and decided to hit the road.

Amy's POV :
I opened my eyes to a sound of a sports car and saw nothing but darkness around me. I got up and looked down the street and saw that he was already gone. I sighed in relief once I knew that asshole left. I jumped back to my bed and looked up to the ceiling. Few but many thoughts conquered my mind but I strictly decided to get them out of my head. I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

My alarm clock ran at 6 o'clock as usual. But this time it wasn't the way it was. I had no job and no money anymore. My last month's salary was transferred to Espanyol for my mom. And I should have gotten the next one tomorrow for this month.

I sighed and stopped the alarm. I couldn't fall back to sleep so I accepted my fate and got up. I sat on the couch after doing some morning issues. I had nothing to do since I had no job. And at that moment, I realised that I needed to look for one. I got up and wore something out of my closet. I combed my hair and tied it in a pony tail then decided to leave. I was out of the building sooner. It was a cool day which got my hopes up of finding a job. I started walking.

I passed a couple of cafés but all of them rejected my need of getting a job. I had no sort of diploma or any job experiences. All I did was worked for that old lady at her fücked up café. I stopped at a small bakery. I was hungry after all since I didn't have breakfast. I looked down to my hand bag to see how much money I still had left. Fortunately, they still could buy me a loaf of bread. I entered the bakery and an old man sat by the cashier. I requested my order and he gave me my loaf as soon as possible. I was about to step back to the street when a thought came to my mind so I returned back.

"Excuse me sir?" I said.

"Yes young lady, can I help you with something else?" The old man asked.

"Uhm... I just wanted to know if you're hiring anyone. Are you?" I asked.

"I'm sorry but no." He said with a sad face.

"Oh ok. Thanks anyways." I said quite disappointed. I was about to step forward when he spoke.

"Uhm... Wait up! If you need that job so bad, we can still hire you." He said. I was shocked for a second but I felt relieved.

"Oh really, I do actually." I said happily. "Ok, but first I have to ask you a few questions to get to know you better." He said.

I nodded as he started off his first question.

"Are you from Barcelona?" He asked. That question startled me since I had bad feelings about it.

"Uhmm... Well Yes" I aswered.

"No I mean are you from HERE?" He asked.

I knew what he meant. I sighed mentally.

"Well... To Be Honest I'm from the other region of Barcelona.... but we are all Catalans right?" I said with an expression hoping he aint from those obsessed culés that hate Espanyol fans till death.

He was surprised by what he heard whilst his face turned white.

"Im sorry but I can't hire you." He said.

I didn't expect him to refuse that in that way. I faced him one last time to see if he would change his mind, but instead, he preferred to share a look to the floor. So I got my things and left. I knew being from Espanyol and living in Barcelona was difficult. No one here would except the thought of being from Espanyol. They were all blinded by history and things done hundred years ago.

My legs couldn't bare it anymore. I felt so tired and decided to sit at the end of the block. I sat down as tears fell down to my cheeks. I cried my pain away a while. I got up after approximately five minutes and wiped away my tears. I was too tired that it still didn't reach midday. I had to get back home since I was too tired. I walked away until I reached my apartment. I got in as I threw myself on the couch. And minutes later I knew I had fell into a restless sleep.

5 hours later...

I woke up from hours later and checked my phone. I knew if I hadn't woke up, I would have gone in a coma. Surprisingly, the bell rang. I got up to open the door when my mood changed directly after seeing his goddamn face.

"Hello!" He greeted.

"What do you want?" I asked with a null expression.

"Aren't you gonna let me in?" He asked.

"Why would I?" I asked.

"It's either because it would be impolite if you let your visitors out or because I'm Neymar Da Silva." He said.

"Neither." I said and shut the door in his face. He rang and rang until I finally gave up and opened the door.

"What now?" I asked.

"How dare you close the door in my face?" He asked angrily.

"It's my house after all." I said.

"If you will please let me in, that would be really nice of you." He pleaded.

"Whatever." I said letting him pass.

He took a seat next to me on the couch and was silent.

"Look if you're here to stay silent, I suggest you leave cause I have no time for you." I said.

"Did you find a job?" He asked surprising me.

"That doesn't concern you." I answered dryly.

"It does and I have to know." He said.

"No, I didn't." I answered his previous question.

"Ok that's great because..." I stopped him before he could continue his sentence.

"What's great, you getting me fired and now I end up looking for a job but unfortunately, no one is hiring me." I confessed with tears in my eyes.

He was silent again but this time he had the courage to speak first.
"I bought you the old café." He said.

My jaw dropped once I heard him.

"What? How? What about that old lady." I asked confused.

"I got it from her this morning and paid her everything she asked for.

I was speechless for minutes since I had nothing to say.

"I don't want it. I mean I can't have it." I said. My answer took him in surprise.

"Why?" He asked.

"I'm sorry but I can't have it." I said.

"But you're gonna run your own business. How come you don't want that." He asked.

"Look, I'm sorry I have my own reasons for that and I'm sorry you had to pay for it for nothing but I just can't. So please leave beacause I have to do so too." I said.

"If you will ever change your mind, you would always find that café waiting for you and here are the keys." He said as he put down the keys of the café on the table.

He walked to the door and as he was about to open it, he turned around and said...

{ So I've been recently facing a few problems with my Wattpad as few of you noticed. The thing is that my chapters weren't completely posted and all but I think I got this thing under control by now...

So here's the complete chapter!

ENJOY! :) }

~ AL ~

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