Chapter One: Home Is Where The Heart Is

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Dear Journal or Diary,                                                               

I should probably start by writing who I am and where I was born, but I think it would just be a waste of my time. This is supposed be a diary for ME. Putting down what I already know would be pointless. You see... My dad wants me to start writing in this so it can help with my 'healing' process, but truthfully, I think it's a waste of time. I'm not good at expressing myself in any way. Especially writing. 

Lynette sighed and loosened the hold on her pencil, her wrists covered in bandages. She was currently at the St. Mary Hospital, recovering from her attempted suicide that occurred three weeks ago. She was sitting upright on her bed and her ears were bombarded with the sound of the wind beating against her window.

Oh well. I guess it can't be helped. I've already tried telling my dad that it was a waste, but of course, he ignored me. I guess he really does believe in those dumb doctors. 

Lynette looked over to a chair next to her hospital bed, where her father had been sitting just a few minutes ago. After the conviction of her mother, supposedly she was going to be taken by her father as soon as she got out of the hospital. He said that he was going to go pick up her older brother, Malcolm, from school, but it he was taking an awfully long time. He told her a little after she woke up that her knew school was only a few minutes away from the hospital. They were probably met with a lot of news reporters.

Apparently, news of her mother had spread through the city, earning her mother a new nickname to the locals: Mommy Dearest. Lynette thought that that name was somewhat idiotic, yet at the same time, fitting. Never would she call her mother 'Mommy' though.

She shook her head and continued writing.

So my dad wants me write down the events that have occurred since I've woken up. I honestly don't remember much, but I can try to write as much as I remember. Is it cheating if I use bullet points?  Or is that considered okay? Hmph. I'll probably have to ask dad later about this.

I woke up.


Two weeks ago

Lynette awoke to a blinding light against her closed eyes and a sound that was all too familiar to her. It took her a while to remember everything that had occurred, but she knew this place all too well. She was in the hospital. Lynette remembered this sound from when she woke up in the hospital after Gavin's death, but this time, the light was too much for her. It was like it was directly above her. Was she laying down? 

With a lot of effort, Lynette tried to open her eyes, her lashes fluttering against her cheeks. Her eyes finally cracked open and she closed them again, squinting because of the light. Lynette's finger twitched when she tried to bring a hand to rub her  eyes, but it took her a lot of willpower just to do that. Covering her eyes, Lynette took a deep breath before she peeked through her fingers. She slowly scanned the room, and to her surprise, she found her father sitting next to her on a chair.

As a habit since childhood, Lynette stared at him for a while before she quietly sat up, her eyes hollow and lifeless as she winced. Lynette didn't want to wake up her father. Lynette remembered everything now. He probably read her suicide letter by now and she knew that he had probably been worried all this time. Lynette wondered if this was the first time he slept in days.

*I realized something was wrong. 

Then out of nowhere, a nurse appeared from behind the curtain in the hospital room, reading a document. Lynette wouldn't have noticed her because of how quiet she was, but there was something off about her that begged for your attention. She looked like any other nurse in Lynette's opinion. But her skin...

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