Chapter Four: Look Away

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Pretend he isn't there. Pretend he isn't there. Pretend he isn't there. Pretend he isn't there, Lynette chanted in her thoughts, biting her lips.

Lynette stood in front of her drawers with her hands at the bottom of her shirt, her fingers pulling up the fabric above her waist. If it weren't for the small blush on her cheeks, Lynette would have looked completely normal while changing her clothes, but due to the fact that that thing was on her bed and was obviously staring at her made it all the more embarrassing. She stopped halfway and let out a shaky sigh.

Jesus Christ. Just look away already, Lynette thought, annoyed.

From the corner of her eye, she could see the reflection of the male on her mirror. He had his hand on his chin and his eyes bearing into her skull. He didn't seem to be bothered by the idea that he was acting like a total creeper before he let out a yawn.

As if a ghost could ever get tired.

Frowning, Lynette shook her head and swallowed her pride. She didn't want him to find out she could see him yet. Things would become to complicated if she revealed that now. She still had to learn how far she could go with these... 'abilities'. Acting like she could sense him was fine for now, but making eye contact would seal her fate. Fingers gripping at her shirt, she pulled her shirt off above her head and tossed it into the laundry basket next to her. Lynette heard a shift behind her, instantly assuming that the ghost was looking for a better view. She tried her best to look as normal as possible while she reached for another shirt, yet the trembling of her body made her aware of how easily she could be afraid.

In a flash, she felt him behind her. His presence making her nauseous again and her heart began to quicken its pace. The feeling was a lot worse the first time, but now she had gotten used to him. Even though she was tall, Lynette could sense him looming over her and she fought back a shiver. Lynette remembered how tall Gavin used to be and how much she loved it. The distant memory of having to tiptoe in order to kiss him on the cheek sending her into bittersweet agony. But even though she loved it, she felt it odd feeling someone other than Gavin being this close. Brushing the thought away, she steadied her new shirt in her hands and prepared to put it on.

Within the reflexion, the ghost behind her hummed in a deep tone before he brought a hand up and licked his pointing finger. The ghost watched her closely with his black eyes and Lynette made sure that she wouldn't get a reaction from whatever he was planning on doing, willing her expression to remain lax. But once he withdrew his finger from his lips, she was caught completely off guard. He slowly brought it to Lynette's shoulder in a swift movement and ran it down her arm, the wetness of his finger allowing it to glide with ease. The action was so disturbing and icky that Lynette felt a shiver of disgust run down to her lower back. She turned on her heels to punch the snot out of him, but stopped in her tracks. Lynette pressed her lower back against her drawers, pretending not to see him as her eyes darted around her room. Even though she wasn't any good in elementary school, her acting now was actually convincing.

A dark chuckled dripped past his lip, the sound making her nauseous again.

He was probably testing her sensitivity.

Lynette cautiously brought a hand to her shoulder and attempted to wipe his saliva off her. Except there wasn't any. Confused, Lynette brought her hand up and looked at her palm. Not wet. At all.

"Hmm... So you felt that." The entity purred.

Licking her lower lip, Lynette tried to ignore him. She quickly put on her shirt and did something she would regret. She decided to walk through him. Taking a step forward, the young woman let out a shivering breath before she brought herself forward. But once she was halfway through, Lynette choked on her breath and retched forward. With her legs wobbling underneath her, she swayed on her spot before crashing onto the ground, unable to breath.

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