Chapter Nine

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How often does a person tell themselves that life is precious? How often do people take it for granted? How many are the type to risk it all?

And how many would just... let it go?

Lynette was sitting on the passenger side of her father's car, her eyes counting each tree as they passed drove back home. Lynette had left the hospital with her father an hour ago with only flesh wounds. Thankfully, none of the big shards opened an artery, had anything that could cause an infection. Or at least, that's what the doctors were saying. 

Lynette would have rather died...

With her eyes falling to the radio, Lynette turned the dial to change the song. Her father was being awfully quiet, and she had no idea how to strike up a conversation. Ever since he arrived at the hospital, he's been distant, almost cold to her. Lynette wondered why, but she felt that if she found the answer to that, she would feel... something.

Just like last time, when she went to the hospital, she made herself numb. So that the spirits could not see her. The dead seemed to recognize her, but upon seeing that she was ignoring them, they left her alone. Accept for one. It was the nurse from before. The nurse was acting strange, like she was being ordered to follow her around while she was still in the hospital. She even escorted Lynette out.

Sighing, Lynette sunk back into her seat, unable to find a decent station to stay on. 

She just wanted to be alone....

"How are you feeling?" Her father asked from next to her.

Lynette tensed from the sudden question, having thought that it was someone else.

"Uh... The pain meds are working. So I'm feeling pretty good," Lynette answered nervously. She knew that she had to pick and choose her words wisely. One slip-up, and her father would hover over her for the next year or two. 

"No. That wasn't what I meant, sweetie," Her father continued. His green eyes were focused on the road, but he seemed distant. "I'm wondering how you're feeling about the... accident..."

Lynette's eyebrows raised a fraction in confusion, but in order to convince her father, she raised them even more. 

Her father sighed, bringing his hand to the back of his neck. Malcolm had the same habit of rubbing his neck when he was fishing for the right words. "... What I'm trying to ask is... Are you okay? Were you scared? Should I be worried?"

No, Lynette answered truthfully in thought.

"Dad. I'm fine," Lynette said reassuringly, her smile not reaching her eyes. "The whole 'fiasco' was crazy and everything, but... I'm still here." Lynette's eyes fell to the hands on her lap, her voice dropping as if she were disappointed. "Alive."


Lynette stared at the elf that sat on her bed with a smirk etched on his face, her breath quickening as her heart thundered against her chest. Since their last encounter, she had not seen him once. And right now, she felt that she was about to explode. From frustration? From contempt? From pain? Maybe it was all of them. All she knew was that she was pissed beyond belief.

"Judging from you face, you seem happy to se-"


Or at least, that would be sound that she made if her hand actually made contact with his face.

Lynette was looming over him, her hand positioned as if she was throwing something to the side, her pants filling the room. His grin widened cockily as Lynette's body shook, her eyes filling with a glint that made him excited. The fact that she had the confidence to slap him made his insides giddy. Yet, surprisingly, none of the usual consequences came crashing down on her.  To him, it seemed like the anger she was experiencing for him had far surpassed her disgust. She should have been on the ground, vomiting in her weakened state.

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