-chapter 1

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By the second week, Louis and Silk were basically inseparable. They threw a massive amount of parties and combined their social circles, to the level where the four of them- oh, and Twig- could almost name every single aristocrat in the European capital cities.

Seth was invited to one of them. Lucas knew the man from a business meeting. He had a talent of reading people, and they had joked on Tuesday that Seth Versace might be a good name to go by as a private eye. They only joked around, then, but Lucas couldn't know that Seth was actually going to do so. He had too much on his mind to conceal his little secrets that all of them had to hide everyday, from the plan he was quietly making with his friends.

Seth had a good chance to dig. He showed up two minutes early, not too much by aristocrat standards, dressed in light grey. His waistcoat was a shade of slightly metallic cream, woven from silk, and the breeches were new and scratchy.

Of course, like the last party, he presumed, Seth would have to brace himself for the rebellious fashion among the party guests. They didn't wear wigs. At all. That was strongly discouraged, and would often result in public and social humiliation. But no. Among these people, they made it hush-hush and kept their hair beautiful. Like Wayne.

So he took his off in the carriage. The darkness veiled that as he got out and quickly went to the front door. No-one wandered out at this hour, but it would be the best to not be seen like this.

"Welcome, welcome." Silk was the one who walked out and invited him in with a firm handshake, although he winced a little when he saw Seth's outfit.

"I am sincerely sorry," Seth said- better now than never- as they walked into the same big, bright drawing/dining room, "Are my clothing and hair breaking some sort of rules?"

Silk frowned a little and shook his head quickly. "Your hair's great. I like cream, that's all. I'm a bit selfish."

Of course, Seth could see that. Four walls draped in the colour all around him. He would be blind if he couldn't tell. A crimson door, however, stood in the far corner. No-one opened it last time but the one beside it lead to a smaller, darker drawing room, which was brilliantly painted in dark blue, purple, grey and the sort of colours.

"So this room is yours, then." He confirmed.

"Yes." Silk replied, leading him forward. Five or so guests had arrived before him, and some of them Seth knew. "I presume you are closely acquainted with Wayne."

It was delight to see a close friend here. The two of them smiled at each other across the social circle; no need for too much gestures.

The blond was very happy to be the host for a while before Lucas can finish getting ready. "He's always late." Silk smiled softly as he waved his hand around the circle, indicating to every individual. "This is Louis, my... Lover."

Seth knew at that moment that he was going to use another word, something odd and strangely attractive, like "ditch". But all the people standing around weren't odd, apart from Wayne. There was this well gentleman who acted like he had been around for two hundred years and still behaving himself. Silk might get to him later.

Louis was beautiful. Seth had to remember that, to add to his little notebook of strange persons. His hair was blond, slightly darker, richer and wavier than Silk's, and he had a soft smile like pastel for the brief moment when he was being introduced. He had a pimple on his right cheek. Then the smile faltered away and he pouted slightly, raising his eyebrows. Silk tried to look elsewhere.

"Here I am." Lucas opened the second door- not the red one, although they were both draped as well- and said, "Saving the moment. Now, Seth, are you being introduced?"

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