-chapter 6

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Bianca was pacing about in her room, completely unsatisfied. She had been in here for ages, and that was only because Jackie was having a little tantrum about her going out partying with the powerful ones.

I can literally kill him.

So why don't I?

There was a bottle of perfume sitting on her dressing table beside the bed. She sat down next to the table and picked it up, absentmindedly played with it, spraying a little on her wrists. Bianca was bored and annoyed.

Oh yeah. I'm in love with him.

"Have you made up your mind yet?" Jackie's voice was suddenly outside his room. He must've sneaked up, but that didn't scare her at all. Nothing much did.

"I have." She said lazily, playing along with his sick little game. "And the answer is no. I will not do what you say, not now, not ever."

"Think about not marrying me, then." He said.

Bianca raised her eyebrows. That was a little extreme coming from Mr. I Can't Keep My Promises. "Fine by me."

He was silent. The door unlocked. She slowly stood up, taking her time to walk over to the door in a lazy cat-like pace.

"Hello." She said, tilting her face down a little and glanced up at him. Mr. Alexander looked more than furious, but she couldn't careless. "Haven't seen you in a long time."

Suddenly his fist was up and swinging and just as suddenly she grabbed his wrist, and the air was still and so were their movements. He grunted and bit his lips, stared at her like she was his next meal. Very slowly, even with his bulging muscles under his shirt, Bianca managed to set Jackie's hand back at his side.

"Good boy." She cooed. Jackie tried to look intimidating, but there he was, five seconds later, lacking the confidence in himself. "Now, I don't want to play your game any more. I am free."

With that, she walked out of the house.

Silk exited the bathroom after his beauty and cleansing session to find that Louis was already nicely snuggled up in his bed, under layers of blankets that must had been warm by then with big, twinkling eyes peeping over the edge, staring at him as he moved. Silk leaned in for a kiss and stepped over the edge of his coffin. Carefully setting himself down into the silk-cushioned interior, he dragged the top half-closed.

"You can stay up if you want." Louis flicked his wrist under the blankets. A small movement, and the lantern setting on the table was out.

"No fun without you." Silk replied and closed his eyes, trying not to think of the faint smell of soap coming from Louis. They were almost side by side if one ignored the height difference in their bedding. "I'll just take a quick nap."

"Okay." Louis replied, and his boyfriend could almost feel the little smile that lit up the warlock's face. "Sweet dreams and goodnight to you, then."

"Love you." Silk said in the darkness. He could still see everything, if not more clearly.

Louis stirred a bit as he looked for a comfortable position. "Love you too." Eventually he said.

A ship full of silk had just arrived at London. The whole morning Seth couldn't be more exited; that meant that he was now trustworthy to this new merchant, and plenty of business for him in the future.

James was back. He shared the news with his closest servant, expecting to get another one of those expressionless congratulations but instead a warm smile.

"Whoa, what happened to you?" He stepped back a little, scanning James up and down.

"I went out last night to a pub." His servant replied lightly, like it was a normal subject to be discussed about. Seth raised his eyebrows and slowly paced away; he wasn't one to ask questions.

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