-chapter 3

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In his head Seth could find a thousand things that told him and scolded no-one in particular about how wrong this should be, and yet they were standing there, Louis with his arms wrapped around Silk's slim waist like it was the most natural thing.

They let go of each other and Silk looked up coldly.

"Fine." He slumped back into his seat, with Louis placing himself sideways carefully onto his lover. Alejandro sat down as well. Conversations unfolded, two of them at once, over each other, not touching. Soon the atmosphere was healed, and although neither Silk nor Alejandro were talking directly at each other, the party seemed to return to normal.

Sometime during a long story told by Magnus- that was apparently rare- Louis leaned into Seth's ear and whispered.

"See what I mean by they hate each other?" The blond asked. Seth couldn't recall the exact words, but now he understood.

"Yeah." He said slowly, then quickly added, "One more question, how can they move that fast?"

Louis smiled in a particularly French way. "I don't know, but I can surely give you more examples of that."

Seth just witnessed something; he didn't want to hear all about it jut yet.

"No, it's okay." He refilled his own glass, sipped it and realised that he used the wrong bottle of wine. "Oops, it seems like I am drinking blood."

"There is little portion of it in that bottle." Louis shrugged and raised his eyebrows, "You'll be fine."

Seth frowned a little as he sipped it. It smelt slightly different, and surely that was a metallic undertone of blood in there.

"Where did the... Blood come from?" He asked after another sip.

"People." Louis shrugged, "I think there's a bit of me in there. They don't really fancy killing random citizens for joy, as you might have noticed."

Seth squinted at the glass and questioned it silently in his head at the authenticity of the content of it, then drank anyway. It didn't taste too bad.

As the night moved on, everything became vivid and was bursting with colours. Seth let himself drink more and more of the strange, metallic-like liquid, and told jokes that he only shared with close friends or servants.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Twig leaned slightly toward Amy Crown and whispered. Their eyes were fixed on Seth, who was laughing at something and topping himself up yet again. It was Lucas's second bottle of blood-wine.

"I think the poor guy's drunk and we should get him back to safety before Alejandro does something unspeakable to him." Amy's lips were swift and they barely moved with her whisper. Alejandro still heard it and rolled his eyes.

"I am not that despicable. If I want to do something to him, I'll make sure he remembers it." As he winked, Amy almost wanted to slap him for the brutal allusion in defence of the poor drunk guy. The three of them looked toward Seth again.

"He has a beautiful smile." Alejandro tusked his tongue before sipping at his wine.

"I know right." Amy's soul was half way out her body.

"Do you think Louis will fall in love with him?" Twig, being the only relatively sensible one here, asked.

"Louis falls in love with anyone and everyone." Alejandro sneered before topping himself up. With his sharp eyes, Twig noticed that the guy's hand was slightly wobbly.

Amy leaned slightly forward, a hint of curiosity unveiled in her voice. "Alejandro? Are you in love with him?"

The guy tilted his head, raising his glass to his lips. "Who? Seth or Louis?"

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