-chapter 4

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Twig was bunching his hair up in a chignon in front of the dressing table when Wayne knocked on the open door and disturbed him.

"Your Majesty," His older cousin said, "I think you have too much hair for that hairstyle."

The Faerie Prince frowned. "Shh, shush, no talking. Shut it, shut."

"Okay, okay." Wayne held his hands up, "Don't get so worked up."

"I don't like you!" Twig announced in a high-pitched voice, much like Louis's when he was displeased or when he had to eat unpleasant food like burnt chocolate. Maybe the spoiled-brat act was rubbing onto him. "What are you doing in my room?" Wayne reached to bunch up a strand of Twig's hair, but the latter slapped his hand away.

"I want to tell you that someone had snuck into the Val mansion with the help of someone inside." His cousin said with a half-smile, biting the inside of his cheeks. Twig whipped his head up, causing his half-done hair to tumble down. "Well now, goodbye, cousin."

With that, he twirled out of the door like the way he came. Twig sat in front of his mirror, his hands and mind working but not on the same subject. His hair kept on screwing up because he wasn't focusing on the matter at hand. Finally he gave up and just let all the blond and brown strands pool down, around his shoulders and behind his back. Twig stood up, made sure he wasn't going to sit on his hair and sat at his desk.

If you have received this personal invitation from Twig Mayblood, congratulations. You are coming to a party on Wednesday night, starting at 5 o'clock, at my place. If you don't know where it is, bad luck, maybe go ask someone else.

That was perfect; no corrections needed. Now, he just needed to copy it for about twenty times.

Seth was sitting in his office downstairs when James knocked on his door. He wasn't feeling ill any more, and the whole morning and afternoon he hadn't been working, so now Seth was trying to compensate that with his work finance.

Like Lucas, he was young and hard-working and made his own rich way. Unlike him, though, no-one in the aristocrat social world knew exactly what Lucas did. Everyone knew that Seth owned a shipping business. He counted the money that night from India alone and noted them down. It was about seven o'clock.

"Sir, there is a letter for you." He walked in after Seth nodded from his desk. The two of them had known each other from the very beginning of their lives, and their relationship went deeper than master and servant.

"It might as well be the invitation Louis told me about." He muttered, partly to himself and partly to James. The letter was from Twig Mayblood and it didn't even address his name, and was written in a strangely informal way. "What do you think?" He asked after showing James.

"Very... Liberating." His servant raised an eyebrow and put it back down onto the desk again. "I shall now mark this in my calendar and you shall do the same."

"Indeed." Seth nodded and pulled out another book- his activity planner- from the stack on his left and started scribbling.

Lucas walked along and made sure that Magnus was right behind him. They were both dressed in aristocrat code, everything from the powdered wig right down to the buckled shoes. They weren't at a party, so there was no need to attract unnecessary attention today.

"Walk quicker." Lucas whispered. They were outside, along a cobblestone street no different than any others in Paris. The two of them were going to one of those "business meetings" and they couldn't afford to be late. Victor might turn the table if Lucas was two minutes late and the company would no longer belong to him.

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