Chapter 2-Please No Boats

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Owen's POV

I felt bad for Claire, she's puking a lot. I tried to comfort her, but it didn't seem to help.

"You get really seasick," I thought out loud. Claire was breathing heavily.

"I've noticed, Owen," she croaked.


After about another 30 minutes of sailing, and 30 minutes of Claire's head hanging over the side of the boat, we finally arrived home. I had my arm around Claire, supporting her because she was extremely light-headed after losing so much energy in her. At least she could talk without puking now.

"Where are you going to live?" she asked me.

I didn't think of that. All I have- had was my bungalow.

"I have no idea."

She smiled, "well..."

"What plan do you have now?"

"There's a house for sale," she began, " and it may or may not be right next to my house."

"Okay as good as that sounds- where am I going to get the money?"

"I can help pay for it," she said confidently.

"Solves that problem, and where in the world did you already get a house?" 

"It's just a simple little house I bought a couple of years back in case I- well, this happened."

I laughed. Apparently she can be quite perky after just puked her brains out.

***one year later***

Claire's POV

Owen and I are living together now. And obviously, were still dating. I wouldn't have had invited him to live in my, now our, house if we weren't. I unlocked the white door into my house and walked inside- I had just come from my new job.

"I'm home!" I called.

"Hey," Owen said smiling. "How was your day?" he asked as he kissed my cheek.

"Awful, absolutely awful."


"It's just different and it's really hard."

"You know, you seem really tense lately."

"Ya, I've noticed," I rolled me eyes.

"Maybe we should take a vacation," he said whiling walking towards the couch, and of course, I followed.

"A vacation? Where?"

"Anywhere you want," he smiled. I laughed,

"I seriously have no idea where I would go."

"Fine, I'll pick then."

"But please, no boats," I laughed.

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