Chapter 21- Hammer Tail

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Claire's POV

My knees were shaking. I ran fast through the forest. The countless of dinosaurs chasing me. I couldn't escape. Then I was cornered. The I-Rex approached me.

"OWEN!" I yelled.

"I'm right here, Claire," Owen smirked- not helping me. The dinosaurs weren't after him.

"Owen! Please!" I cried.

"You deserve to die," Owen cackled. I screamed right before the I-Rex's jaws closed around me.

I woke up with a scream, sweaty and shaky too. A small whimper released my lips.

"Owen," i whispered quietly. He was sound asleep at the other side of the room. I tried closing my eyes again, but the just ended up becoming more pictures of death. My eyes shot open. I took a shaky breath. I couldn't fall back asleep.


It was still pitch black outside. I have no idea how long I've been up, but one things for sure- i haven't tried closing my eyes again.

Then I heard rustling in the bushes. I tensed. Then a ankylosaurus appeared. First the head, and it stopped with a massive hammer tail. Owen, Gray, and Zach were all now awake and were sitting as quietly as they could. I was petrified.

"Claire!" Owen mouthed, still making no noise. I couldn't move. I froze.  And before anything else could happen- I felt my body go limp. I had gotten hit.

Owen's POV

"CLAIRE!" I screamed. The hammer-tail dinosaur had swung and hit Claire in the back. Obviously, Claire went flying and then hit her head on a rock. I went into panic mode. I got the Dino's attention and ran out of the cave. Then I made a b-line around and lost the dinosaur that was on my tail. Phew. We were safe. I rushed back into the cave and Zach was holding Claire's head, which was now bleeding.

"Zach- take Gray over there," I pointed to the opposite side of the cave. He nodded and did as told.

Once he was gone, my full attention was on Claire now.

"Oh, sweetie, what did you do?" I grabbed the first aids knelt down next to Claire.
I couldn't let her die, even though I was mad- I'm still in love with her.

"Owen?" She murmured quietly.

"Hey baby. Everything's gonna be okay, okay?"

"Wha-what happened?" her eyes opening and closing.

"Nothing that concerns you right now, okay?"

"Okay," she whispered. I knew how to stitch- I had to learn in the Navy. So I had no problem stitching Claire up. I was just afraid she had lost too much blood. I was pretty sure the baby would be fine. This injury wouldn't affect that. The only thing that could affect the baby is if Claire dies.

No! I couldn't think like that. I pulled Claire closer to me. Her head laying on my knees. She had passed out again- when? I'm not sure. But right now she wasn't conconcious. Why had I been so stupid? I canceled a engagement with the most beautiful, caring, wonderful person on earth.

Hopefully she will take me back.

If she lives, that is.

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