Chapter 14- Finding Food

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Claire's POV

I woke up, my head rested on Owen's shoulder. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I saw Zach right next to Gray, still asleep. Gray was still on conconcious, I felt a rush of sadness rush over me when I saw of this. Then I looked to Owen. He was asleep, his arm still wrapped around me. I smiled slightly and before I realized it, Owen was waking up.

"Claire? Why are you up so early?" Owen mumbled, sitting up and brushing my hair behind my ear.

"How do you even know what time it is?" I laughed. He shrugged and pecked my lips.

"Good morning," he smiled.

"And a good morning to you," I responded.

"Zach and I have to and find food today," he said. I playfully pouted and responded,

"Do you have too?" I asked, putting my head on his shoulder. He laughed and kissed my forehead,

"Yes, Claire. I have too," he laughed. I looked up at him, my head still on his shoulder. "Why are you so cute?" Owen asked me, smiling. I shrugged and responded,

"Probably 'cause I can't process what I'm doing since it's early," I laughed. He laughed with me. It was nice to have him with me again. I wish I knew that today would be one of the worst days of my life. I would lose everything in a matter of minutes.

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