Chapter 27: Before My Head Explodes

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"Bea is going to be here any minute, I need to get dressed," I shouted through the door at Grayson who had been in the bathroom for over an hour.

He opened the door just a crack so I could see his whole head. "Since when do you care if she sees you in your underwear?" His tone was suggestive. I shoved the door open to reveal he was only in his towel. He had been in the shower that long?

"If you don't mind, I'd like to take a shower," I told him. When he didn't move, I quickly grabbed his towel and twisted it in my hands, ready to snap him with it. His eyes widened as he covered himself and ran out if the bathroom, hopefully to his bedroom.

As I started to grab my towel and washcloth the nuisance we all know as Grayson ran into the bathroom again. He had a smirk on his face.

"Better hurry up, Ashy boy. The guests are arriving." He quickly disappeared and I heard him stomping down the steps.

The guests he was talking about were our parents. My parents, Grayson's parents and older sister and Quentin's parents had finally arrived. They'd all come down to our barn-home to celebrate our graduation.

After getting ready and making sure the bathroom didn't look too much like five boys lived there, I grabbed my phone to call Bea and figure out where she was.

"Hello?" Her sweet voice answered.

"Hey, Bea. Where are you?" I asked as I wiggled my way through all my clothes on the floor of my bedroom.

"I'm on my way, I promise! I was trying to make lemon cake and I burned it and -" She was beginning to panic.

"Um, you do know that you aren't supposed to bake lemon cake, right?" I piped up. I heard her growl quietly after she held the phone away from her to do so.

"No one said I was a good cook!" She exclaimed exhaustedly. "This is what happens when I try to do something nice..."

"Bea, just bringing yourself would be nice enough," I told her with a smile on my face at the thought of her red, frustrated face.

"Asher..." The phone shuffled a bit before she finally sighed. "I'll be there soon. I love you."

"I love you too," I replied before hanging up. I walked downstairs to meet up with my family along with everyone else who had arrived. It didn't take long for our parents to get warmed up to each other while the five of us crowded around in the kitchen, separating the different types of pizza we'd ordered a few hours earlier. It was getting close to being cold.

What? You thought we would cook something for our families? I'd rather not kill innocent people.

When I heard the front door open, I dashed out into the doorway of the living room and saw that it was only Mia, my cousin. I arched my eyebrows and walked over to her with a confused smile. "What're you doing here?"

"Ben invited me," she smiled and looked past me, grinning this time. I glanced behind me to see Ben with a goody grin of his own stretching across his face.

"Ben?" I asked protectively. "You watch yourself, you got me?" I wouldn't have sounded so threatening if I hadn't of been being honest. Mia was like my little sister. No one was going to hurt her.

"Yeah, man, I know." Ben backed off slightly as I pulled him away from Mia to talk to him. "Trust me, okay. I really like this girl. How many girls have I dated?"

"None," I answered with a little bit of humor in my voice. I returned to all seriousness right after. "And Ia had better not be the experiment."

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