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4 joined the Chatroom
4 invited Sarah
7 joined the Chatroom
7 invited Ace

4: Anyone up for a game of word association?
7: Yes!!!
Ace: Oh no! This will end badly...
4: Marvellous! I'll start. Then you, Sarah.
Sarah: Alright then.
4: Earth
Sarah: Sky
7: Air
Ace: Oxygen
4: Element
Sarah: Gold
7: Zeiton-7
Ace: What?
Sarah: What on Earth is that?
4: You know, Zeiton-7, the element
Ace: Look, I didn't do very well at school but I'm sure that doesn't exist!
7: Oh, of course. It's not discovered by Humans until they get to Saturn as for some reason there is no Zeiton-7 on that planet.
Sarah: Why is that?
7: Good question. I've been wondering about it myself.
4: Shall we still play?
Ace: No! It was a terrible idea.
7: Well we can't go about telling each other about our lives otherwise we'd be breaking laws.
Sarah: Since when did you care about the law? You're always doing things you shouldn't, ignoring signs and all sorts!
4: Ah, that is only because only me will be effected if I break them. Break the laws of time and the whole cosmos could collapse.
Ace: Really?
7: It's like the butterfly effect.
Sarah: Oh yes, I read about that. A butterfly flapping her wings in Africa could cause a tornado in America.
Ace: Oh, I get it! If you kill that butterfly, then that tornado wouldn't have happened!
7: Yes. It gets quite serious, doesn't it?
4: But time can be rewritten but there are fixed points which must always happen.

11 joined the Chatroom

11: Hello gang!
Sarah: What's that on your head?
11: It's a fez; I wear a fez now; fezzes are cool!
Ace: Awesome! I want a fez now.
4: I'm more worried about that garish item around your neck. Is that a... bow tie?
7: I'm afraid it is.
11: Bow ties are cool!
4: Quite the opposite.
Sarah: Here we go again...
11: You wear a long multicoloured scarf and you call my bow tie garish?
4: Do you have a problem?
11: No, long scarves are cool too but-
7: Personally, I don't like the scarf.
4: What!?
11: What!? Scarves can double as a rope
4: What about the question marks. Why?
Ace: Oi! I'm not going to stand around and watch you argue all day.
11: He started it.
Sarah: You maybe the same person but you have different personalities and preferences but you're too alike to agree. Just apologise. One day, you will wear bowties. At some point, you will wear / wore question marks. Once you wore long scarves. I bet one of them is a fixed point in time and you can't change. So grow up, deal with it and apologise.
7: Sorry for mocking my scarf and bow tie.
11: Sorry for dissing the question marks.
4: I'm sorry about all that fuss over the choice of garments I will wear. It's all a bit silly really.
Ace: Thank you!
11: Sorry not sorry! HAH

11 left the Chatroom.

4: What's the point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes? I don't like the question marks. They look ridiculous!
Ace: I give up! I told you this would end badly!

Ace left the Chatroom

7: And a long multicoloured scarf doesn't?
Sarah: I'll leave you two to it

Sarah left the Chatroom

4: Ah, but it is practical. Keeps your neck warm, can be used to rescue a friend stuck in a hole 1.7 gallaboons deep....
7: But why multicoloured?
Why question marks?

And so they argued for one and a half earth days.

The End

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