Chat 8

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Peri joined the Chatroom
12 joined the Chatroom
12 invited Clara

Peri: The Doctor's gone fishing for gumble... whatsits again.
12: Gumblejack?
Peri: Yeah! That's it. I sneaked back into the TARDIS when he fell asleep.
Clara: I feel for you. Fishing is boooring.
12: It is very therapeutic.
Peri: So boring!
12: We ought to go fishing, Clara.
Clara: NO.
Peri: Poor Clara!

Ace joined the Chatroom

Ace: What's up?
Clara: The Doctor wants to take me fishing! :(
Peri: And my Doctor has gone fishing with me AGAIN! >:(
12: Fine! I won't go fishing with you. After all I've done for you...
Clara: Yes!
Ace: I'm guessing you're from the future, Professor?
12: Yes, that's right. But Peri is from even further back in my timeline.

6 joined the Chatroom

6: Peri! Where did you go?
Peri: The TARDIS, obviously.
Clara: Nobody likes fishing.
6: I do!
12: Remember what happened last time? What a caffuffull.
Peri: Don't remind me.
Ace: Why, what happened?
12: Everyone almost got eaten or butchered at some point or other.
Peri: This Shockeye person kept calling me and Jamie primitives and trying to eat us.
6: Shockeye is an Undragum and quite primitive. Repulsive species.
Peri: Agreed.
Ace: I hope that I don't meet one!
Clara: Or me! Doctor, can we avoid... Undragum planet or whatever it's called.
12: What do you think I've been doing?!
Peri: Jamie said that you can't control the TARDIS...
6: Well, my previous incarnations aren't as good as my current one!
12: The TARDIS takes us where we need to, not necessarily where we want to.
Ace: It took us to that stupid clown planet well enough. >:-(
12: I hate clowns. Creepy make up and mechanical laughter.
Ace: You didn't until then.
Peri: Clowns?
6: Don't tell me anymore! You're spoiling my future.
12: *sigh* Spoilers...
Clara: You always say that with sadness?
12: Spoilers.
Peri: Stop repeating yourselves!
12: No
6: No
12: No
6: No
12: No
Peri: Urgh, you're worse as two!
6: Yes
12: Yes
6: Yes
Clara: Doctors! Please!
12: Shuttity shut up
6: Shuttity shut up
12: Shuttity shut up
6: Shuttity shut up
12: Shuttity shut up
Clara: You come out looking all sensible, old, wise and mature but you're really just a child.
6: Yes
12: Yes
6: Yes
12: Yes
6: Yes
12: Yes
6: Yes
12: Yes
6: Yes
12: Yes
Ace: I can't believe YOU TWO are the Doctor...
12: What?
6: What?
Ace: Scrap that I can

Ace left the Chatroom

6: See ya later alligator
12: See ya later alligator
6: See ya later alligator
Clara: In a while stupid crocodiles

Clara left the Chatroom

6: So long, farewell
12: So long, farewell

Peri left the Chatroom

12: They're gone!
6: They're gone!
12: You do know you can stop now
6: You do know you can stop now
12: Really? That's so immature
6: Really? That's so immature
12: You're just like an annoying little brother
6: You're just like an annoying little brother
12: Good riddance!!

12 left the Chatroom

6: Annoying my future self is fun... :3

6 left the Chatroom

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