Chat 4

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Jamie joined the Chatroom

Doctor 11 joined the Chatroom

11: Hello Jamie.

Jamie: Who are you?

11: The Doctor! :3

Jamie: You don't look a wee bit like him!

11: I changed. Again, again. Actually, again, again, again, again, again, again, again, again, again, to be precise.

Jamie: Aye, is that so? Well, you do still have that ridiculous bow tie.

11: Ridiculous?! I see that you are still wearing that skirt!

Amy joined the Chatroom

Jamie: KILT! How many times do I have to say?

Amy: Kilt? I miss Scotland :( England is rubbish!

Jamie: Aye! I miss Scotland too. I'd still be there if the English king Edward hadn't banned Kilts and Bagpipes and anything Scottish. And invaded!

11: Actually, the Greeks invented Bagpipes. :P

Jamie: That's not the point. I'm the son of a piper, and a proud Scotsman!

Doctor 2 joined the Chatroom

2: What did I miss?

Jamie: You finally came! Aparently he is you...

11: Cool bow tie!

2: Mightn't I say the same!

Amy: Bow ties aren't cool.

Jamie: Agreed.

2: Amy? A friend of yours? Or should I say mine?

11: Yes! She's Scottish too - Jamie and Amy should get on. Ooh! That ryhmes! Like in a fairytale! Like Amelia Pond!

Amy: You're distracted. Again!

Jamie: You get used to it.

2: What are you trying to say? I can pop you back home whenever you like if you're going to be like that. Just like that! No. that's Tommy Cooper.

Jamie: Come on Doctor. you can't control the Tardis! Not really. She lands wherever she likes.

11: Tommy Cooper had a FEZ!!!

Amy: *facepalms*

Jamie: What's a fez?

11: Didn't you learn anything at school?

Jamie: I never went to school. You taught me to read, remember?

11: Ah, yes. There was that. It's a hat, usually red, with a tassle on top. They come from Africa and they are AWESOME!

Amy: They are not awesome.

11: It's always the negatives with you!

2: Jelly baby anyone?

Jamie: No!

Amy: No thanks...

11: I prefer Jammy Dodgers.

Jamie: What's one of them?

2: Two biscuits sandwiched together with jam.

Amy: Who doesn't know what Jammy Dodgers are?

Jamie: It's not my fault that in 1746 they hadn't been invented!

Amy: You're from 1746!?

Jamie: Aye

Amy: You're a Scottish rebel!?

Jamie: Aye, and proud.

Amy: I'd marry you if I wasn't married already!

Rory turned off invisibility

Rory: Amy!?

Amy: Relax! I was joking.

2: Your husband?

11: Mr and Mrs Pond!

Rory: Williams.

11: Pond sounds more magical!

2: Come on Jamie, we best be off.

Jamie: Awww, come on. Just a wee bit longer?

2: Any longer and I'll disrupt the time continuem. No, we must say our goodbyes.

11: I'm right, you know.

Jamie: *sighs* Goodbye Amy!

Jamie left the Chatroom

2: Bye, I suppose. At least I know now that at least one of my future incarnations is alright!

Doctor 2 left the Chatroom

11: Come along Ponds! Places to visit, things to do! How about... Manhattan?

Amy: Why not?

Rory: What could possibly go wrong there?

11: Okay then... Geronimoooo!!!!

Doctor 11 left the Chatroom

Rory left the Chatroom

Amy left the Chatroom

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