Chat 5

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Doctor 9 joined the Chatroom

Rose joined the Chatroom

9: Hi :)

Rose: Hello :)

Doctor 6 joined the Chatroom

9: Awww. Not you!

6: What's wrong with me? I've had the best incarnation in a long time!

Rose: Is this another one?

9: Yes. Unfortunately. Just look at him!

6: What is all that dull clothing for?

9: ...

6: Lighten up, my dear!

Peri joined the Chatroom

Peri: What did I miss?

9: Oh it's you! :)

Peri: Well, yes, obviously!

Doctor 10 joined the Chatroom

10: Hello :)

Peri: Okay, now I'm confused. Might as well go and hide in the closest or something.

9: Wardrobe.

Peri: I'm not English!!

6: Then why is your mother tongue?

Peri: My what?

10: Mother tongue; your first language.

Peri: I don't know, blame the parents.

Rose: Who are you?

Peri: I am, unfortunately, the Doctor's "friend"

6: Well, thank you very much... After all I've done!

9: She's got a point. You did try to strangle her...

Peri: Yeah!

6: It was the regeneration...

9: Well I've got to go do the usual...

Rose: Alright. *sighs* see ya...

Doctor 9 left the Chatroom

Rose left the Chatroom

10: I miss that girl. *sighs*

6: ...

Peri: Do you miss me?

10: Well... No... Well... Yes... Well.... I dunno...

Peri: Doc! Wow... You coulda just lied!


Peri: But I was talking to him...

10: He is me. I am him.

Peri: I know... But it's easy to forget...

10: WAIT!

6: What?

10: A... Well... An acquaintance of mine keeps laughing at me saying "You only have British girls travelling with you!" And I don't. He annoys me. But you're proof.

Peri: I'm no use for anything but proof now, am I?

6: Yes, my dear.

Peri: I may as well go then...

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