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12 and 5 are online

12: Clara. Tell me all about Clara. I need to know. What does she look like?

5: Huh? Who's Clara?

12: That's the problem. She's amazing, fantastic, brilliant. She's impossible but I can't remember her. I can feel the mind wipe in my bones. It's that horrible feeling that I've forgotten something important. Now I know what Zoe felt like. But I know her name and what she did but I don't know what she looks like.

5: How did you forget? I probably wouldn't.

12: Of course you would. You're soppy. You have that charm thing that just wasn't... Me.

5: Different personalities and emotions are a good thing!

12: If it wasn't for emotions and my personality I would still remember Clara!

5: Have you checked the TARDIS database?

12: That's the problem. She didn't like Clara so she didn't keep pictures of her. All I can do is read our adventures over and over. And she had a few... "clones" at some point so the TARDIS gets confused with them.

5: The TARDIS should be able to cope with clones easy enough!

12: I can't tell you everything! I'm breaking enough rules because I'm telling you what is going to happen!

5: I bet you haven't even tried looking her up on Facebook.

12: Shut up.

12: I can't get to Facebook in 1962! I'll do it at some other point.

Amy is online

12: Ah! Amy! You know that American diner that we went to before I faked my death?

Amy: No, what are you talking about?

5: You are breaking a lot of laws. You're so reckless. Must be old age.

12: Now that is just rude. Ageism!

Amy: Is he spoiling things again?

5: I told me a lot about the future 5 relative minutes ago. I'm dreading my future self. I'd better go and touch one of those worms so I don't spoil my own future...

5 is offline

Amy: You ought to be more careful you know.

12: Shut up!

Amy: Are you alright?

12: I'm fine! Nothing bad has happened. I'm not sad. I'm fine

12 is offline

Amy: He's not okay at all

Amy is offline

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