Chat 2

593 36 7

Sarah joined the Chatroom

Luke joined the Chatroom

Doctor 4 joined the Chatroom

Doctor 10 joined the Chatroom

4: Just left Sarah on Earth. :( *Sighs*

Sarah: Doctor!! It's me, Sarah!

Luke: That's the Doctor?

10: Hello past self! Hello Luke and Sarah! :)

Luke: Umm... Hi?

4: Is 10 me? What's with the sand shoes?

10: They are NOT sand shoes!

Sarah: DOCTORS!! Stop!

4: What?

10: What?

Sarah: Oh, stop it! Both of you. You're causing a ridiculous commotion.

4: Why would I not cause a commotion? He's broken the laws of space and time!

10: Why would I not cause a commotion? He's broken the laws of space and time!

10: You're copying me!

4: You're copying me!

Luke: That's just childish.

4: What's the point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes?

10: You would say that, wouldn't you?

Sarah: Doctors! I'm warning you, I'll invite him...

Luke: Invite who?

4: I've got a pretty good idea. You can be cruel, Sarah.

10: Sarah, you wouldn't dare!

Sarah: I would!

Doctor 1 was invited to the Chatroom by Sarah

10: Noooo!

4: ...

1: What is going on?

10: ...

4: ...

Luke: Who are you?

1: I am the Doctor, my child. May I ask you the same question?

Luke: I'm Sarah's adopted son.

1: Ah, yes, Sarah. One of my future companions.

4: ...

10: ...

Sarah: The Doctors are arguing, Doctor!

1: Are they? Behave! You need to set an example to these humans. Rubbish technology, but they have great potential!

Luke: I'm not even human.

10: Sorry... :-/

4: Sorry... (but not really)

Sarah: Ha!

Doctor: And you should not have called me to sort my woeful future's mess out!

Sarah: ...

Luke: This is awkward. Bye!

Luke left the Chatroom

Doctor 1 was kicked out by Sarah.

Sarah: See! I don't give empty threats.

4: Am I thinking what I'm thinking?

10: You're thinking what I'm thinking.

Sarah: What?

4: Goodbye, Sarah!

Sarah: Wait-

Sarah was kicked out by 4

10: That's better.

4: Peace at last.

10: What can I say that won't upset the time continuem?

4: Sorry, must dash. I have met a girl called Leela and I must now destroy the locals with a deadly jelly baby.

Doctor 4 left the chatroom

10: Good times. *sighs*

Doctor 10 left the chatroom

Doctor 6 turned off invisibility

Peri turned off invisibility

6: That's my future? SAND SHOES? Not even nearly as stylish as MY attire!

Peri: That's debatable, Doc.

6: Don't call me 'Doc'! Come on. We're going fishing for gumblejack fish. They're the best fish in the universe!

Peri: *groans*

Peri left the chatroom

6: Rude!

Doctor 6 left the chatroom

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