Chat 6

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12 joined the Chatroom

12 invited Clara to the Chatroom

Clara invited Danny to the Chatroom

12: What did you invite the P.E teacher for?

Danny: I'm not a P.E teacher! MATHS!

Clara: Doctor! Be nice!

12: But I can't help it! I don't get on well with P.E teachers.

Danny: What about maths teachers?

12: I like maths teachers. I get on well with them. Why don't you become a one?

Clara: *face palms*

Danny: I am a maths teacher!

2 joined the Chatroom

2 invited Jamie to the Chatroom

2: Hello! How is everyone?

Clara: Bow ties? Are you kidding?

Jamie: No, unfortunately.

12: GET OUT!

Jamie: Doctor!?

2: You've gone Scottish?

12: No, you've gone English. Now GO

Jamie: What's the matter with him?

Clara: He doesn't like my boyfriend.

2: Doctor. How childish.

12: But he's a P.E Teacher! And like I once said, what's the point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes?

Danny: I'm a maths teacher but he WON'T LISTEN!


Jamie: Stop fighting! I have spent almost all my life fighting the English and I'm sick of it. Stop!

Danny: You're... You're a soldier?

Jamie: Aye, but the battles didn't end to well.

12: He's a soldier, see? He must be a P.E Teacher.

Jamie: P.E?

2: P.E stands for physical education.

Jamie: What?

2: It's a lesson at school that helps children be as fit as they can be.

Jamie: Oh, aye.

Clara: Jamie, who are you?

Jamie: I travel with the Doctor. I am from Scotland in 1746.

12: And I saved your life!

Jamie: Aye, and on many occasions I have returned the favour!

2: We're a team!

Jamie: But what about you two, Danny and Clara?

Clara: I'm an English teacher at Coal Hill Secondary School. I help the Doctor out when he calls.

Jamie: Doctor! You're going to be able to control the TARDIS!

2: I can control it...

Danny: I'm a Maths teacher at Coal Hill. Just found out about the Doctor. 2014, London.

12: Correction; P.E teacher.

Clara: *groans*

Danny: MATHS!

12: P.E!

Danny: MATHS!

12: P.E!

Danny: MATHS!

12: P.E!

Danny: MATHS!

12: P.E!

2: Look. Just because of the Gallifreyan academy doesn't mean you can hate ALL P.E Teachers!

Danny: I'm not even a P.E teacher!

2: Shhh, that's not important right now.

Clara: That's the point of the whole argument

Danny: I'm just going to give up and go.

Danny left the Chatroom

Clara: I'd better go...

Clara left the Chatroom

2: You're being awkward on purpose.

12: Am not.

2: Are too.

12: Am not.

2: Are too

12: Am not

2: Are too.

12: Am not

2: Are too

12: Am not

2: Are too

12: I don't like your incarnation.

2: I don't like yours either!

12: I much prefer my first one.

2: ... :(

12: Honestly, grow up!

2: What happened with the P.E and Maths teachers at Gallifrey, you can't blame yourself.

12: Then why do you?

Jamie: What is Gallifrey?

12: Jamie!

Jamie: I am still here...

12: ...

2: ...

Jamie: ...

2: Come on Jamie, lets go...

Jamie: What about Gallifrey?

2: Can you remember how to log off?

Jamie: Aye, I can, stop fussing!

12 left the Chatroom

2: Somebody doesn't like goodbyes.

Jamie left the Chatroom

2 left the Chatroom


Hello! For my other books, sorry for the severe lack of updates. I was just in the wrong mood for writing. I do the Chatroom to get the creative muscles in my little brain working!

Thanks for reading. Drop a comment if you like! Constructive criticism is welcome here. Thank you!

~ AllonsyRapunzel

Doctor Who Chatroom (Classic and new)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora