'Thank You'

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   You finally get back to the village after a couple of wrong turns and a few mishaps with some..ah, well birds. As you found your way back to the village, you see that they managed to get the fire out. Garroth was comforting Aphmau as tears streamed down her face and villagers crowded the scene.

"Down there, Angel, and I'll get you the apples later, I promise." you promise. She neighs, obviously exhausted and annoyed from the journey to and fro. She landed swiftly near the crowd, dropped the intruder on his head and flew off somewhere. You drag the intruder with one arm and the baby in the other towards the crowd. When you finally come into view, a gasp and silence fell over them.

 Aphmau lifted her head and saw you, wiping a few tears away before running towards you and scooping the baby from your arms. She cradled him and cooed,

"Aww, Levin! Are you hurt?" she inspects the little baby's face and when no scratches were found she smiled at you.

"Thank you so very much <Name>! Words can't express how happy I am" she quickly hugs you with one arm. Garroth looked at you, astonished.

"Garroth, can you please take HIM to jail?" Aphmau asked, pointing towards the intruder. Garroth nodded and slowly lifted him on his shoulder and started walking towards the guards tower. Once they were out of sight Aphmau smiles at you again, and says,

"How can I ever thank you enough?"

"There's no need, to be honest, I would like to be a guard myself!" you exclaim.

Her reaction wasn't what you expected. She looked unfazed and kept that glowing smile on her face.

"Of course you can! We need more guards anyway! Now if you excuse me, I have a house to fix," she said, looking a bit disappointed. She shooed the crowd away and went inside the ruins of her house.

 Looking at the crowd, you approach a girl with red hair and kind, green eyes.

"Oh, hello there! I'm Kiki!! What's your name?"

You smile kindly and reply, "I'm (Name), did you happen to come across a snowy white owl and a white pegasus, who has, well, an attitude?"

She looks at you, surprised, "Those are your pets?!? I never thought I would see a snow owl in a warm climate like this! I would expect to find them in a snowy taiga! And the pegasus! Where do I start?"

You laugh, "They sure are one of a kind. It was really nice talking to you, but I have to get going! Can you keep an eye on them?"

She nods, "Sure! Don't worry, I'll take good care of your pets,"

You nod a 'thank you' and head over to the guards tower,  determined to be a guard, and protect this village. A hero you always wanted to be.

Under the Cloak | A Minecraft Diaries Story (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now