Killer Ghast's and Cow Men

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A/N~ Welllll my eye healed pretty quick XD, sooo I guess its time for a chapter! HURRAY!

    Your eyes widened as you dug your nails into the creature's flesh for any kind of support. You just held on, and hoped. Suddenly the creature leaned forward, as you gasped, and your face made contact with the ground. You quickly get up and see your inches away from the ravines edge, and you cautiously backed up. A small scream echoes through your ears as you see Xavier being picked up by the creature and you let a giggle escape your lips.

 "Don't look down!!" you yell over to him, smirking. Xavier ignored you and looked down to the 100ft plummet and he yelped,

"If you didn't want me to look down, why did you mention it?" he whined. The creature then leaned forward, dumping Xavier unto solid ground. You look at the creature, who seemed tired, as she hovered above the ground.

"Do you have a name?" you ask, wanting to find out more about the creature.

It sniffled, "I'm Glisten....I'm a Carminite Ghastling.." she spoke in the tiniest whisper.

"I'm <Name> and that lump on the ground is Xavier" you smiled at the weird position Xavier was in. He slowly got up, and looked North. Strange noises filled your ears, Glisten seemed to notice that too.

"Do you hear that?" you asked Xavier, he nodded as he stepped a little closer, underneath the tree's shade.

"It sounds that the smell of fire?" you sniffed, and the smell of ashes filled your nose. Glisten's crimson eyes widened,

"Is it my family?" hope lingered in her voice, you shrugged,

"Sounds like it," you scrunch your nose, "smells like it too," gagging at the smell of burning flesh. Xavier started walking, shadows casting on the trunks of the tree's. And you and Glisten slowly followed.

~Time Skip~

   You came to a small clearing, but didn't dare enter the sunlight. A fortress towered, casting a deathly shadow on the forest floor...and all around it were Carminite Ghasts..much bigger than Glisten, all crying. Suddenly, out of the brush a squirrel popped out, its nose twitching as it slowly stepping into the view of the Ghast's red eyes. The sound of screeching fills your ears, as multiple fireballs fired at the poor critter, the chatter of the squirrel is all you hear after the fire enveloped it.

" not going to meet your parents," you say, looking over at Glisten, who seemed to be smiling with the crook of her mouth. Without warning she then speedily floated upward to a pair of Ghasts which greeted her with cries, wrapping her with their tentacles. You and Xavier watch for a moment and turn around, slowly walking away. You barely could take a couple of steps when tentacles envelope you and Xavier, pressing you against wet skin. You smile as Glisten then floated away. Xavier looked over at you and sighed,

"Well...that was....interesting," he said.

"It's the Twilight Forest after all," you said, shrugging, you take a look of your surroundings and came up to a tree and started climbing it.

"What are you doing?" Xavier asked, looking up at you. You buried your fingers into the cracks of the wood and looked down.

"I'm getting a better look of the forest, maybe I can find the Lich Kings castle, you stay there" as you kept climbing, careful of your footing. Your head then made contact to a branch, lush green leaves sprouting from it. You put a firm grip around the branch and slowly pull your self up, poking your head through the canopy of leaves. Sunshine rains down on you, making you squint form being in the shadows far to long. You look around and got a good look of the Carminite Ghast's castle, you kept your head low, so they didn't see you. You twisted your body, so you could see what was behind you, and you were startled.

  A stone and birch wood towered above the forest, the stone bricks were cracked, and vines grew around the castle as if it wasn't kept in shape for years. You burned the direction in your head and started to slowly slide down the tree, splinters in your hands. You turn around, and you backed up against the tree. What you saw was two cow half man creatures, carrying a half-conscious Xavier between them. He slashed tiredly at the cow man with the diamond axe, creating cuts, but they healed whenever he did so. When that happened a staff with a crystal heart glowed, it was in the hands of the cow man on his left.

  You slowly followed, careful not to step on branches, and carefully stepped over decayed logs. But suddenly, the cow man with the diamond axe stopped, abruptly. Your eyes widened, and you see a tree to your left and you press yourself against it. The clomps of the hooves started to get louder, as they headed toward your direction.

 "Sir's probably nothing" said a raspy voice, you guessed it was the cow man with the staff.

 There was a pause, you hear a snort as the hooves slowly started to walk away. You take a deep breath and pull out your sword. Gripping it tightly, you catch up to the cow man with the staff. Your careful to stay out of their sight. And without notice, you slashed your sword against the staff, breaking the heart, leaving it on the ground, flickering lifelessly. There was a gasp, and you can see in the corner of your eye, Xavier, eyes wide, as he again, started to slash on the 'Minoshroom's' rough hide. He cried out in pain, as he let go of Xavier. The cow man with the staff turned around, but before he could make eye contact, you slashed against his neck, decapitating him. You back away as blood spilled out, as the rest of his body staggered, and soon fell limp on the forest floor.

  Xavier was next to you, you look over and see a diamond axe gripped tightly in his hand.

"Where's the other guy?" you ask, seeing no corpse.

"He ran away.." he said, he seemed drowned in his thoughts. You take his hand, assuringly and started to lead him in the direction where the Twilight Lich's Castle was.

"Come on, lets go defeat a Lich,"

A/N~ 1053 words...that's the longest chapter so far!

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