The Escapee

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 A/N~ Did I possibly get lazy and didn't do the next chapter right away? Yes....*braces for attack*

 Your eyes widened, "Father?"

His eyes shone, "Now, I wonder what your doing here..."

You growl, "You are not going to trap me here and perform experiments on me, I wont let it,"

He laughs, "Funny you said that, the tests will start tomorrow, and there's nothing you can do about it, you'll be the secret weapon,"

You narrow your eyes, "You were always thirsty for power," you look around, "how did I get here anyway?"

"A good friend of mine,"

"A good fri-?" before you can finish he slams the door, you try to open it, but you here a lock click. You groan and sit down on the floor. You couldn't just break down the door, cause all they will do is put you right back into the room, maybe even a more efficient room with steel walls that have some kind of spell, that takes away your powers, O'kasis has power, an interesting kind of power.

 You look at the window. Maybe you can jump out? You open the window and look down. There were no guards below, but your vision started to get blurry and you backed up. That was high, you would black-out when you hit the ground, which will give guards time to find you. But there was a part of roof where you can catch...

You had to get out of here, so you back up and cannon-ball out the window

~Line Break~

  You hurdle toward the ground, but you reach out and grab the side of the roof. You hold there for a while, and then you let go. Landing on your feet. You staggered for awhile. You weren't high enough for you to black-out. Once you recover you look towards the wall of guards. How would you get past them? Suddenly O'kasis guards surrounded you.

"Really think you could escape this easy?" one laughed.

"Your coming with us," another one said. One guard pushes into the front.

"I'll escort her, to a more protected room,"

"Er! Get off me!" you squirm in his arms and when you round the corner, out of sight the guard pushes you up on the castle walls.

"SH! Your going to get our cover blown!"

You raise your eyebrows as he lets go, "What?"

He takes off his helmet to reveal a familiar face.

"BRIAN!" you exclaim and hug him, he blushes.

"Could you get any louder? Come on, I know a way out, here put this on," he hands you a helmet.

"Its better than nothing," you nod and put on the helmet and follow Brian.

You past a couple guards who stare at you but turn away. As you get to the wall of guards that outline the village one guard asked you,

"Who are you?"

"She's a newbie, I'm taking her to the forest to train," Brian answers.

The guard snarls, "The girl can speak for herself," he returns his gaze to you, "Who are you?" he demanded.

'DON'T PANIC,' your conscious screamed, 'Think of a fake name!'

"I-I'm Crystal Nightingale," you respond.

The guard stares at you, "Interesting may pass," he nods and you exit. When you get out of sight, you let out a deep breath.

"That was close," you said taking off your helmet, "How did you know I was there anyway?" you asked looking Brian, as you readjusted your cloak. He was looking at your face intently.

"Brian?" you snap your fingers in front of his eyes.

He's startled, "Oh sorry, I'll explain later, but lets just get you home," and you and Brian walk off, heading to home sweet home.

Under the Cloak | A Minecraft Diaries Story (Under Editing)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon