Chapter 12

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Mouses POV
We all left we were a couple of minutes away when bam we got into a car accident.i was so mad cause my bestfriend had just gotten out the hospital and might be needing to go back because of her wound.we all were asking each other if we were ok m. Then we got out the van because the people in the car that hit us wanted to make sure we were fine.

Lupitas POV
We got out the car cause the people were knocking on the door. When we got out I was the first one out and a girl was looking at me with the weirdest look but I didn't pay any attention to her I really could care less at this moment I had a bad hurting feeling on my wound so I turned around and hugged Devin and whispered I. His ear "Dev my wound gets a lot" d-"it fine babe hang in there we'll get it checked right now I promise" and then he carried me while me laying my head on his shoulder.

I started to carry Lupita cause her wound was hurting and I felt bad cause it was her first day out the damn hospital. When I was carrying her I saw this girl just starring at me and I was uncomfortable. Then mouse was making sure everything was fine and called the place where he was performing at that he was in a really bad situation so he couldn't show up.

Kevin's POV
I saw Dev carrying Lupita. And I was just standing there so I walked up to them. "So wassup with u guys always all up on each other?" He looked at me like bruh r u serious right now like no she looked up and was like leave us alone then hopped of of him. I was talking to Devin when I noticed a blood stain on his white tee do I pointed it out and then he stared at Lupita and was like "ur bleeding from ur wound aren't u" she looked confused and checked she looked so scared and started crying

Mouses POV
I heard Lupita crying so I walked up to were they were at Devin was hugging her and Kevin was on the phone I asked what was wrong and he said she was bleeding from her wound I looked confused and asked to see if it was fine she pulled her shirt to the side and a little down it was bleeding so much I almost fainted.

Devins POV
Mouse asked to see her wound which I don't know why I didn't she was bleeding so much. I told her to take her shirt off she felt uncomfortable but I explained that she had to before more germs got to the wound mouse ran to the van and grabbed the emergency kit and brought it over. I poured some alcohol on the wound and then on a gause then placed it on her wound the guy that was with the girl came up to us and asked if everything was fine and mouse explained and then kev came and said an ambulance was on the way.

Lupitas POV

I took off my shirt and Devin poured alcohol on it,it hurt so fuckin much I started crying even more.

Kevin's POV
I walked over and said the ambulance was on the way I looked down and seen so much blood. Dev had blood all over his pants and on his hands and mouse on his shoes. Then I noticed I hand some all over mine to I cared cause u know imma sneaker head but at the same time I didn't cause she was my bestfriend.

Devins POV
Bruh o my fuckin god that ambulance was taking forever.and she was losing a lot of blood . I had some all over me but I didn't care then that dumb girl come over and omg bro I felt like smacking her

Girls POV
I walked over to the cute boy and ugly girl it seemed like they were dating. Then I noticed she didn't have a shirt on "eww how gross she doesn't have a shirt on" the boy looked at me and responded "okay what's your point" I looked at him and said "well that's kinda gross cause u can see her boobs" he looked at me weird and said "she has a bra on so u can't and then he whispered ignorant" I looked at him and called the other boy his name was kev and said bro there taking forever then I placed my hand on the seat and I almost panicked well I did.

Kevin's POV
Devin called me over and right before i or he could say a thing the girl panicked "ewwww omg oh no I got omg I got some of her omg blood on my hand ew gross omg hand me something  I need something to wipe this off omg please hand me some thing" me and Devin looked at her and Devin responded kinda rude but true "um excuse me if u r going to be around us while she's leaking blood please have some common sense if not u can go somewhere else I don't mind you being  here but have some common sense" she looked at me and then I said "really don't u see her she's in pain gushing blood and u r hear screaming u got blood on u I mean if it wasn't for u and the people u r here with she wouldn't be bleeding at this very moment so like he said have some common sense."

Lupitas POV
I heard that girl yelling she got blood on her hand and kev and Dev outing sense into her head so I looked up and sat in the seat instead of laying on it and looked at her with not a so pleased look and said " well omg look the white girl got blood on her hand omg sue  me for leaking blood everywhere cause of u." D- "calm down getting mad isn't good right now for u babe" g-"um excuse me u don't have to have and adittude with me" I looked at her like bitch what. And said "excuse me but if you don't stop giving me adittude I will punch u straight in the face with no doubt and trust it won't be pretty little white girl" d-"babe calm down its bad to be mad right now cause ur bleeding out of ur wound" k-"calm down and babe?" I looked at him Dev and then the girl...

I'll try to update tomorrow in the afternoon

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