Chapter 13

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So the ambulance got there and said that, that was normal when it got a little pressure on it so they just gave us a cream to put on it In case it happened again.

Lupitas POV
So the paramedics said that that was normal so I was fine. After that they left and I stayed in the van with Devin and we were just talkin. Then Kevin came up to us.

Kevin's POV
So I was outside cause it was hot in the van but I got bored and walked over to Devin and Lupita. When I went up to them I asked why they were calling each other babe and etc. they both looked at me and said idk I knew something was going on cause they were all up on each other and were calling each other love names anyways I just let it be cause i know Devin will come clean any time soon cause he always did.

Mouses POV
After everything was done and taken care of the girl asked for an autograph. I know I'm not supposed to be mean to fans but I said no. I mean after everything happened I was tired. No I'm not lazy it just that I was sweating and everything from standing in the sun. And plus she was being mean to my bestfriend so idk I guess that was rude but I had to go anyways.

Lil update before competition. Omg wish me luck I'm so nervous even tho I've done this a million times.

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