2-What was wrong?

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I got to class and saw Riley warming up ready for dance practice. I saw everyone going over to her and asking her how she is feeling. It just doesn't make sense to me. She was fine the day before. I glanced over in her direction and she looked up at me and I could tell that she was hurt. She stared at me for a while until she turned around to talk to Chloe, Thalia and Giselle. I joined Eldon, Hunter and West but all I could think about was Riley

I caught him staring but I couldn't help but stare at him back. I really want to talk to him but he doesn't talk to me anymore so I'm guessing he has moved on. I've ignored him today because I find it awkward. I broke up with him because he kissed Beth but I still love him and really miss him. Emily is going over the new part of the Nationals routine that I missed when I was not here. It was all going well and then she announced that she and Miss Kate have assigned us to do duets in the routine. "The pairings are: Emily and Hunter, Thalia and West, Eldon and Michelle, Giselle and Amanda, which leaves James and Riley" are they doing this on purpose?

My heart was racing, I was so happy I was going to get a chance to dance with her again. I looked up at her and couldn't help smiling but I realized that she was not smiling, she was shaking. Emily called a ten minute break so I went over to Riley and asked her if she was happy doing the duet. She just told me that she doesn't want to talk to me and then walked away. Eldon came over and told me that I need to move on from Riley as she is not going to forgive me any time soon. I couldn't just move on from a girl that incredible. I love her. Emily called us back from the break and told us what our duets are going to be like. "First you grab your partners hand and spin them into you" I listened to Emily while taking in all the moves. "Then you end with the final lift"

We went through the routine from the beginning and got to the duets. My heart is pounding. I have never been this scared in my life. James grabbed my hand and it reminded me of what we used to have. I carried on dancing but started to feel light headed.

We were doing the duet fine. As soon as I grabbed her hand I felt the chemistry that we used to have here again. Riley let go of my hand early to hold her head. The next thing I know Riley has collapsed into my arms. I shouted for Miss Kate and she ran over. A tear came to my eye. What was wrong with her? I take her to studio B and lay her down on the sofa with her head resting on my lap. I really need to talk to her. I don't want to fight anymore. I don't want to lose her forever.

Girl of my dreams/boy of my dreamsWhere stories live. Discover now