8-Promise me

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I woke up with James, arm around me. I forgot that I stayed round his for the night. I turned and saw him staring at me teary eyed. He tried to cover it up by looking down.

Riley: Are you okay? You look upset

James: I'm not upset, I'm scared for you. Who is she?

Riley: Ohh, well...I....don't worry about it James

James: Does Emily know?

Riley:(I look down) No

James: does Giselle know?

Riley:(whispers) No

James: Who else knows?

Riley: (I look at James, fear in his eyes) No-one

James: Miss Kate needs to know, you have to tell her

Riley: I will today

James: Good, we better get ready for dance

We both get ready then get into my car and drive to dance. We sat in silence on the way to the studio. I looked at Riley and she has tears in her eyes. I park my car and we get inside the studio. 'Go and talk to Miss Kate now, I'll see you later' 'James wait.' I turn round and see her shaking. She grabbed my hand and pulled me with her. We went into Miss Kate's office and sat down. 'What can I do for you two?' As soon as she said this I saw Riley freeze up. I grabbed her hand under the desk and told Miss Kate that Riley has something to tell her.

Kate: What is it Riley?

Riley: I....I.....I...

Riley looks at me shaking, I know the look she's giving me now means help

Kate: What is it?

James: She's in trouble Miss Kate. Someone has been threatening her, been horrid to her

Kate: (looks shocked) What? Oh Riley, why didn't you say something?

Riley: I'm scared

Kate: Well who?

Riley: It's, her name is...., She's...

Kate: Yes?

Riley: I've got to go

Kate: Riely, wai...(Riley's gone) James, who is it and how do you know?

James: I don't know who and she told me. Look Miss Kate, I've to go

I saw Riley run. Emily looked at her but carried on rehearsals. I ran the same way Riley did. 'And where do you think you're going James?' 'Emily, don't even worry about it.'

I saw James coming towards me I couldn't help but smile inside but I was scared. I bolted it out of the office. I don't want anyone else but him.He came into Studio B and sat next to me on the sofa, putting his arm around me while I lean my head on his shoulder.

James: Riles, you gotta tell me who is doing this to you

Riley: It's...it's her

James: Who's her?

Riley: (whisper) A...A....Amanda


Riley: Her an...and Be....

James: Beth!?

Riley: Yep

James: WHAT! Riles, I know it's hard but we've got to tell Miss Kate, she will know what to do

Riley: I can't tell anyone

James: Then I will tell her!

Riley: James, you can't tell anyone, promise me

James: But Riles, I don't want anyone hurting you, ever

Riley: James, for me, please

I felt my eyes start to get teary

James:(looks concerned) I promise
I promise but you have to promise me that if anything happens no matter how big or small it is, you will tell me.

Riley:(in tears) I promise

I stand up and take Riley's hand to help her up, when her phone goes off. I start to walk but realise that Riley has not moved, she was still. She turned her phone round to let me see. 'A: So you thought it would be okay for you to still exsist? No one wants you here so you may as well go, you ruin everything!' I couldn't believe what I have just read. I grab Riley and pull her into a hug. 'Everything is going to be alright' Just as I was hugging Riley, Beth walked in. I pulled out of the hug and took hold of Riley's hand. I saw Riley look up and start shaking.

Beth: Hey James, What are you doing with her?

James: She's my girlfriend....

Beth: (gives Riley a dirty look) Don't be stupid silly, I'm your girlfriend. Come on James, leave it on its own.

James: Beth, Shut up! ( I feel Riley sqeeze my hand and move closer to me) You're not my girlfriend Beth

Beth: Of coarse I am silly, now come on

Beth started coming towards us and pushed Riley out of the way. I walked round Beth and helped Riley up. She was holding her head.

James: Beth! Just go! You are not my girlfriend! I have a girlfriend and it's not you!

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