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I wake up and see Riley is still asleep. We've been together a year now(well I don't like to count the two weeks we broke up) and I have a suprise for her for our anniversary. Well we have dance first but then she can have it. I have a shower and get dressed into my dance clothes. I wake Riley up by splashing her with freezing cold water. 'AHHH!'

Riley: James, why?

James: Dance!

I pick Riley up bridal style and kiss her passionatly on the lips. After a little while Riley gets changed and we head off to dance. As we had left early we decide to walk to the studio. Our fingers interwined. We get to the studio fithteen minutes later. Only Michelle, Hunter, Thalia and Giselle were here. 'ooh look at the love birds' Mine and Riley's phones go off. A notification on instagram. 'Cutest couple I know on their anniversary. #Jiley #cuties #happyaniversary #oneyeartogether #suprise. 'West'

Half an hour later and everyone else was here. Miss Kate announces that we are going to have a fun day at the studio just like we did about a year back.

Tiffany: Let's play truth or dare

Everyone: Okay

Tiffany: Once again I dare James to kiss Riley

Well that's easy. When lean in and kiss each other. My phone goes off so I pull away and read the message. 'Studio B, it's an emergancy'

Riley: I'll be back. Emergancy

I see Riley walk to studio B and I know Beth has text her. 'I'm just going to the toilets' I make my way to Studio B and shut the door behind me. Riley turns around.

Riley: What do you want Amanda?

Amanda: For you to stop hurting my friend

Riley: Friend?

Beth: Yes friend, you stole my boyfriend

Riley: He doesn't love you!

Beth: He does, you just don't know

I grab Riley's wrists and tie them together and Beth ties her legs and pushes her to the ground.


Amanda: You better stay quiet, no one will come

Riley: HELP!

Beth slaps her round the face and she screams. I put a piece of cloth in he mouth to keep her quiet

Giselle: I dare you to go to Studio B, put on the grape costume, come back here and do a B-twist and head slide

Hunter: You serious?

Giselle: Yep

I stand up and walk to Studio B when I hear a scream come from there. I run to the door and slowly open it to see Riley laying on the floor with Beth and Amanda. Laughing at her. I close the door and message James, B.N.B, meaning bro needs bro. A couple of minutes later he came running.

James:What's up?

Hunter: Riley, Beth, Amanda, Studio B

James: Beth and Amanda?

Hunter: Bro, you alright?

James: Get Miss Kate and Chris, she's in trouble.

I barge in Studio B and Amanda and Beth turn to look at me.

Beth: Hey sweetie, you come to join us.

James: What have you done to her?

Beth: Taught her a lesson

James: Beth you are so unbelievable!

I get my phone out and text Emily S.N.S they may not be talking but I know she can help.

I'm sitting at home as I've been suspended from the studio when I get a text from James saying S.N.S. Sister needs sister? This must be important

Girl of my dreams/boy of my dreamsWhere stories live. Discover now