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I just have the funnest argument happening in my book. You should've seen me giggling like a maniac in a train, with people. They're staring at me like, 'I know kids these days with a phone. But what the hell is wrong with this lunatic'


First stop, ladies - you're both beautiful.

I didn't say I ship yet. Yet. I said I found out. Yes - watch the key word. I said found out. So calm yourself down Mist. Roysie is not official to me yet. Yet. Lol. I'm enjoying leaving you hanging. 

Second, don't give me hate for that, I don't really know what dauntless blue cake is. And personally, neither am I very convinced with a thing call the 'dark side'. You're reminding me too much of Harry Potter's Voldemort. Like I killed someone with the Avada Kedavra spell or something. Wait - maybe I can kill Roy with that. Nah, I don't even know him.

Third, is Roysie worth the ship? I'll answer that question..... by myself. (I don't want to hear anything from you two GoddessOfRandomness or minteagles22. Hush children. No. -w-)

I'm gonna go check his account xD Lol. No one's stopping me. Bye B)


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