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Just feel like updating. Choose. 1, 2 or 3. Please decide and keep on your choice.














If you chose 1, please go for quiz 1. And so on. [Comment your answers pls in comment section below]

Quiz 1.

1. So...hi. You can have anything for your birthday. What will that be? (Literally anything.)

2. Let's rant.

3. When's your birthday? Maybe I'll write you presents. Keyword : maybe

4. If you can date a Pokespe/dexholder, who would that be?

5. Describe yourself in one sentence.

6. Are you nuts or are you walnuts? 030 (No! I'm Nuts and berries!)


Quiz 2.

1. Do you like being alone?

2. Do you sometimes doubt you friends?

3. Are you're anti-socialize?

4. Most people can't see through you. Yes, no, sometimes?

5. Most people don't know what you're thinking. Yes, no, sometimes?

6. Most people find your presence unsettling. Yes, no, sometimes?


Quiz 3.

1. You get pissed off for unreasonable reasons. Yes, no, sometimes?

2. People says sometimes you can be pretty mean. Yes, no, sometimes?

3. Are you oblivious of what other feel about you?

4. Are you kinda...clingy sometimes?

5. Are you bubbly, full of cheers?

6. Are you a pretty much horrible liar? XD


Whichever number you chose, please answer the six questions in the quiz you chose and comment the answers below.

I should probably tell you, each quiz is a person I know and kinda their personalities and such. I did this for reasons.

If you chose 1.

CONGRATS! You may not be x psycho but you can tend to be 1x psycho sometimes. You have a good sense of humor and your sanity levels are low, but not too much. Perhaps later in you life, you might have to deal with weet-bix killers and toast murderers... Umm..never mind...

If you chose 2.

//Awkwardness Overload//

If you chose 3.

*out of ideas* Well! ^3^ TACOS!.....WUT. YOU DON'T LIKE TACOS? :3


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