yes it's the teachers again

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word to word from my mother and definitely not word to word from the teachers to my parent

Issue 1: My science & math teacher think of me as and unknown and undiscovered species of a kind of student who is quiet and absolutely unpredictable and unreadable in many ways.

Claims from Parent: how they let the words sink in was that she stopped probing me into participating because she's afraid of the reaction she'll get. I should give her a less of a burden because even though I am an atom of a burden compared to the rest of my classmates I should cut her some slack for teaching the two biggest subjects and probably with the most students.

- participate like a normal student
- be more of a sponge than a statue and withstand a little more of classmates' foolishness
- take up some responsibility for once and do some leadership crap

Issue 2: Humanity/History is a little too observant that I'll like him to be and said, "She sits at the back of the classroom, most of the time quiet and silent." as usual. Criticism: "She watches the people in her class carefully - that means she is observant and pays attention. I myself have a 20 years old daughter so I understand how boys can be - and your daughter watches them with a rather peculiar look."

Claims from Parent:
what's that suppose to mean?
Mother: *looks at me*
Father: I am male, and I am staying out of this.

I'll skip my continuous thoughts over how I do try to treat them as equals and thought I was partially doing so. But the truth has been spoken no matter how hard I deny.

- stop being condescending towards my classmates (at least pretend)
- and definitely stop looking at them condescendingly (just don't look at all)
- show a little goddamn respect and sensitivity even though I still can't do it automatically and most of the time only do it while I am in my most utmost state of control and merely so I get the better end of the deal with adults, my selfish interests and to save my own sorry ass

Conclusion: These kind of criticism are by far the most normal and ordinary amongst all other absolutely unchanged and ordinary ones from since I am in primary. I will evolve out of my shell (maybe) eventually but for as far as those people'll see from me I'll stay an obstinately silent student, and to my science teacher: an utterly inert and unreactive, undiscovered element that will never show its face on the periodic table.

congrats on whoever read the whole thing

For this 400 words school report

I apologize...?

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