Arthur who fell off a tree.

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"Morning sire." Arthur struggled to open his eyes. He stretched and looked over to his servant.

"Can't you change it?" he mumbled.

"Change what?"

"Change with what you wake me up."


"Like, 'my lord' or 'my good sir' or..."

"My master?" a blush crept on his face.

"My master? If you like that, I don't mind." Arthur grinned at the flushed boy. Merlin jogged to the curtains to let the sun rays in. The prince squeezed his fists and yawned. "Where's breakfast?"

"Oh, dammit I forgot." the warlock whispered lound enough for the prince to hear.

"What? How can you forget the most important meal of the day?"

"Yea you say that to every meal, your-fatness"

"Where were you anyway?"

"I just...was with__"

"Fine, then I'll have to eat you." Merlin spun around and saw the prince laughing his head off, so he joined in. Arthur calmed down. "Oh, God I should be careful with that. Someone might actually think I would do such a thing." that shot an arrow through Arthur's heart. He was worried if he said too much. He wanted to apologies, but why would he, he was the prince.

"I'll go and get that for you, sire." Merlin said in a low and loyal voice, which he never showed. Arthur was now as a child under the covers thinking what he had done wrong, and if he should apologies.


Merlin walked down the stairs and wondered off to the kitchen. He felt a stone in his chest, getting heavier and heavier, he couldn't breath properly. He turned around a corner and leaned to the wall catching his breath.

"Who were you running from? A beast or Arthur?" Gwaine patted him on the solder.

"There is a difference between them?" Merlin sarcasticly played. Gwaine laughed aloud.

"Now, now my Merlin what has happened? You look so shallow and weak? Is the life of a servant for his highness so bad, or is it just his mood?"

"His highness has told as a joke that to have me would be a shame to his crown and this was way too much for me, as a stone in my chest would not let me breath. I fear I have grown feeling to a shallow man's heart.".

"There, there my friend. I seek no more than your happiness but no love or lust is in the man's heart. Don't fall apart just yet. Merlin look at me." Gwaine pulled Merlin in for a hug. "If Arthur had feelings would he be staring at me in envy everytime I was with you? If he had love would he be jealous if I embrace you? Would he stop me if I try to kiss you?" Merlin got the idea Gwaine was trying to make. He looked up at the brown eyes which were warm and comforting. Gwaine bent down to touch his lips, they felt like the finest cotton and the softest silk. Merlin wraped an arm around the taller man and pushed up. Gwaine pulled him up and put a hand under his head. They pulled away, the warlock felt something.

"I have to go." Gwaine nodded. " But...umm...I__"

"It's alright I wouldn't repeat it if you don't want me to." Merlin smiled and hurried to the kitchen.


"You took YOUR bloody time!" Arthur protested once Merlin entered his chambers. "What happened did you fall in a bloody hole on your way?"

"Ok I'm sorry Arthur...I was...I took the long way." Merlin hurried to get the prince's breakfast. Arthur sensed the stubbornness taking over and snapped back to cool down.

A Warlock and a Stuck up Prince CharmingKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat