Healing and comfort time!!

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"Arthur would you hold still!" Merlin slapped the prince's hand before it touched the bleeding wound.

Arthur groaned. "But it hurts Merlin!"

"It's your fault!" they were in Arthur's chambers so Merlin was free to shout at the prince and his stupidity, and not get hanged. "Why were you up in that tree, you brat?"

"Don't call me a brat, I'm the prince!" Merlin threw the last cloth in the bucket then took it. He walked towards the door. "Where are you going? It still hurts!" 

Merlin turned round and walked towards Arthur, he put the bucket down and stayed in front of him waiting. "What do you want me to do?" he crossed his hands out of frustration and made an annoyed face.

"You look so adorable when you're angry." Arthur teased.

"Why are you saying that, what if someone hears you, hu? You said it yourself wouldn't that-" Arthur started laughing. Merlin was now boiling. He groaned and threw his hands in the air then picked up the bucked and headed once more to the door.

"Ho-hold it Merlin! Wa-wait!" he said between his giggles. He stood up and jogged to him. He pulled his arm back. "Seriously I was just teasing." Merlin looked more hurt. "What, since when can't you take a joke?"

He looked down. "I'm sorry Arthur, I'm not really feeling all that jolly. Anyways, we have other matters to worry about we need to start on the-"

"Ouch! My head." Arthur let go of Merlin's arm and held his head. "Merlin, it hurts really bad!"

"Right wait here I'll come in a minute." Merlin rushed out and ran to Gaius.

Meanwhile, Arthur sat on the end of the bed holding his head. Suddenly, the door opened and his father walked in with a worried face.

"Arthur are you alright?" He held his shoulders and pushed him back so he could see his face.

"Yes, it's just that my head hurts that's all. Don't worry father, Merlin is on his way with some medicine." 

The king smiled, which was extraordinary. 

A few moments later Merlin rushed in carrying a bottle filled with a green liquid.

"Sire, here." Merlin walked to him calmly. The king stood up and moved away. Merlin kneeled down in front of Arthur. Arthur smiled. "Open your mouth sire." He did ever so slightly, wanting to tease his servant again. Merlin shot him a glare.

He opened the bottle and with one hand pulled Arthur's jaw down but Arthur leaned in. Merlin moved back in shock, it looked like as if Arthur was trying to kiss him. /FOCUS/. Merlin proceeded with giving the prince the medicine. He pulled down Arthur's jaw again and this time poured the smelly liquid in his mouth. As soon as it touched the prince's tongue he pulled away from Merlin's grip and squinted his eyes.

"Swallow, sire, other wise we have to make more." Merlin pushed Arthur's jaw and his head up so he could swallow. In the end he did. The warlock gave him a cup of water to help with the bad taste.

"How are you now Arthur?" His father called.

"Better father."

"Good. I still want you to pack up and go on the quest I ask you to do, is that understood?"

"Yes, father."

"Good, I expect it's a head on a stick when you get back." He said with a cold tone he left and closed the door on his way.



"Yes what?"

"...Yes...my master." Merlin murmured.

"Why did that taste like a dead rat?"

"How do you know how a dead rat tastes like?"

"It's a metaphor, Merlin."

"Well, I believe Gaius made it that way." He was straightening up the covers.

-After a few hours.-

Arthur had an idea.

"Merlin, as I am feeling very well, I would really want to try this new fighting technique. Would you please come here a second?"

"What do-"

"Just come here!" 

Merlin stopped pulling the covers and walked to the other end of the bed where he was sitting.


Arthur stood up and walked closer to him with a sword. "Merlin take this." Merlin did as he was told. "Right, wait here." Arthur soon returned with another sword. "Right, attack me."

"What? Why me? Lancelot, Eliot, Persival and Gwaine are better than me, fight them!" Arthur attacked him mockingly. "Plus. You are still injured!" He added.

"Stop being a girl, they let me win every time!"

Their swords sliced the air and hit in the middle.

"You'll win anyway!"


"Oh please you're just saying that."


"No I'm not, you're bloody good!"

Arthur took a step forward and attacked him again.

"Stop, please! I'm blushing."

Merlin took the chance to attack with a straight slice but Arthur knocked the sword out of his hand and pulled his hand towards him.

"Hmm, you look hot when you try to fight." He said seductively.

Merlin pulled away. "What do you mean 'try to fight'?"

Arthur smirked. "Are you serious, Gwen would fight better than you."

"Then why didn't you call her!" He pleaded. He felt hot and bothered, which was only building up.

Arthur stepped forward. "Come on then! I bet I'll make you sweat."

Merlin frowned and striked from the side but Arthur blocked him. He tried the other side, blocked, the top, blocked, head on, blocked. He paused panting. He breathed heavily. "Merlin, you look so hot when you're angry." Arthur mocked. Suddenly, Merlin knocked Arthur's sword out of his hand, the prince stepped back, Merlin tripped him down and held the sword to his chest, panting.

"Sorry, did I say I would let you win?" Merlin smiled. "Oh and you look hot when you lose." He grinned. Arthur smiled with one of his devilish smiles.

"Hmm? You enjoying your view?" Merlin retrieved the sword. He held a hand out for him. A sudden pull from Arthur had him down on top of the prince.

His hands were in the grip of the prince, his legs were on each side of his waist and their faces were nearly touching. Arthur started to laughed when he saw Merlin's face.

"You-your face is just priceless!"

"Shu-shut up!" Merlin tried to pull away while the idiot was enjoying himself, he only got as far as pulling one hand free.

"Mer-Merlin where are you going?"

"Away from you!" Arthur fell in shock.

"Why?" he mumbled, frowning. Merlin froze. He narrowed his eyes. "Merlin do you really hate me that much?"

"What, no I...I lo-" there was a knock on the door.

"Sire, the king said a couple of the maids should help you pack for the quest. May we come in?" Gwen's voice came from the other end.

Merlin had his mouth still open, his eyes saddened. Arthur wanted to know the ending of his sentence but Merlin closed his mouth and stood up, he kept his head down as he collected the swords and put them in their places. Arthur look down, he needed time alone with Merlin. He stood up and answered the door.

"No, it's fine Merlin has everything under control." He smiled charmingly, hiding his emotions well. A few of the girls blushed and bowed nervously.

"Yes, sorry sire." said Gwen shakingly. He closed the door sighing...

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A Warlock and a Stuck up Prince CharmingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora