Part of the way

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***Please excuse any grammar and spelling mistakes***

The west was colder than usual. The howling wind shook the branches of the trees and made the silent leaves fall down. The forest seemed to whisper chants to the animals and birds. The sound of the once lively forest was drained into the the dry soil. The ghastly grass blended with the dead leaves, making the ground look like a cemetery rather than a forest. Night was falling upon them. Soon the embrace of the darkness grew.

Arthur held up his hand and the riders stopped. Merlin got off when Arthur did. The prince drew out his sword and had it at the ready. Persival exchanged a look with Gwaine then they jumped off and got out their swords too. Gwaine walked next to Merlin and pulled him back by the arm.

"Stay back, princess. We do not want you to get hurt." He whispered and walked in front of him, following Arthur.

Persival walked by Merlin and just exchanged a nod. Arthur and the two knights made their way towards the unknown sound they had heard just moments ago. It had sounded like a screech of a young female. The men looked around; behind bushes, trees, under rocks but nothing. There was no living soul.

"All clear!" Arthur announced. The two knights nodded and withdrew their swords. They all made their way back to their horses and Merlin, who was petting his own horse. Gwaine was back first so he did a very. . . 'Gwaine' action. He wrapped his arms around Merlin's waist and pulled him back. "Will your brave knight get an award?" Merlin tensed when he felt his arms expecting it to be Arthur.

"Stop flirting you two." Persival called as he approached, Arthur soon followed. The men got back to their horses.

"Arthur, the horses seem pretty tired and night has fallen. Maybe we should rest?" Merlin asked in a quiet tone. The two knights nodded.

"He is right, plus we've been riding for a day now. We need our rest too." Gwaine peeped from behind.

Arthur looked around and thought for a while. "Maybe you are right. We set up camp and we set of at first light." He took down his blanket and water flask. "Persival you take the horses to rest, Merlin you collect some branches and sticks and Gwaine, you collect water." The prince ordered as he cleared the dry soil to make space for their belongings and the fire. The others scattered to do as they were told. Soon they returned to the unset camp. "Place them here." Arthur pointed to a pit he had created for the fire. Merlin stepped up and placed some of the sticks in the pit and lay the others near it for feeding the flames later. Persival bent down and started the fire as Gwaine went ahead and took their belongings. Merlin went alobg with him. He got to his horse and searched for his blanket and the food.

First he took out some bread then some chicken and lastly some vegetables. However, he couldn't find his blanket. "Oh no." Merlin hissed.

Gwaine turned around, "What?"

"I left my blanket back at Camelot." Merlin growled.

"Merlin sometimes I just can't believe you." The knight started to laugh. He walked over to him and wrapped an arm around his neck then pulled him to his chest. "No need to worry, you can-"

"What are you two still doing here?" The prince's stern voice made both of the men gasp. They turned around and saw the dark illuminated figure. His eyes looked cold and hinted with anger.

The knight loosened his grip on the younger man then dropped his arm. He slowly stepped away from the warlock. "I'm sorry m'lord we got carried away in gossip." He turned to the horses and collected his and Persival's blanket. He turned around but was met with a cold glare. As he walked away from them, Gwaine bowed before the prince.

Merlin had frozen in place and did not move a muscle. His legs felt stone hard and heavy. His heart felt like a drum that was beating in his ears. His eyes had dilated and cold sweat ran down his back. That wasn't the prince. That wasn't human, but whatever that was, it was closing in. Merlin took in a short breath and squeezed his eyes shut. He felt a cold hand on his cheek and its thumb trailing over his cheekbones. He felt ghostly lips upon his own. His blood ran steal and his limbs became numb.

***So sorry this is short but I thank you and all your lovely comments. Again I am sorry this took so long to update.***

A Warlock and a Stuck up Prince CharmingWhere stories live. Discover now