Time to go.

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Merlin placed the last shirt in the bag. He tied the bag and pulled it up on the bed.

"Hey, Merlin?" Merlin turned around. "Do you think I should wear the red or the white one?"

He blinked and turned away. Arthur stood silent, he thought Merlin wouldn't answer so he walked behind the screen to change. "The red one, it's easier to clean off blood from." Merlin said in a cold tone.

Arthur turned his head to look at Merlin and smirked. "Right then white it shall be!" He giggled at his own remark as he took off his attire.

Merlin huffed. He walked around finishing his forgotten chores. He walked to Arthur's desk and started to put away the papers. Arthur struggled to fit in the white shirt. Dammit, he thought, oh well red shirt it is. He pulled up his trousers and stepped to the side of the screen. He watched Merlin as he sorted the never ending mess on his desk. He smiled, Perfect time for some fun! He snuck behind him trying to not make much noise. He stopped behind Merlin as he was reaching over the desk trying to grasp a piece of paper at the far end corner. Arthur, standing right behind Merlin, reached over as well. Their bodies lined up perfectly. As their hands touched, the prince set out a warm sigh in Merlin's ear. The warlock's reaction was pure amusement. He made a mummbling sound as he felt Arthur press up against. He trembled as the prince's hand touch his. He pushed back trying to get away.

"Wow there Merlin!" Merlin blushed. He looked away from the prince. He hated when Arthur mocked him.

He turned round and took a vase that was resting on Arthur's bedside table. Think of other than the prince's body. Think of other than the prince's body. Think of other than the prince's body. Merlin huffed and walked to the door.

" Where are you going now? " Arthur started.

" I will throw these away, they have become rotten." And with that Merlin rushed out.

Arthur stomped his leg in protest of his bad with getting Merlin back to his happy and sunshiny state.

"Sire may I come in?" There was a repeated knock on the door.

" Yes." Arthur composed himself. The door opened and Gwaine stepped through. Oh great what now! I need time to think dammit!

" Sorry to disturb you sire. I just wanted to know how much weapons should we take?"

" What do you mean we? " Arthur stood in shock.

" My self, Persival and Oliver are coming with you sire." Gwaine explained slowly. Wrong move it only made Arthur frustrated and angry.

" No one told me of this! I don't want 3 idiots dragging me behind. I don't need your help or the other's!" Arthur loudly said as he walked closer to Gwaine. He soon realised what he had done. He cleared his throat.

"Arthur, stop yelling about nonsense, the whole Kingdom heard you." Merlin entered the room and closed the door behind himself.

"Don't raise your voice at me!" Arthur walked towards Merlin, making his hands into fists hard enough to show his white knuckles.

"Maybe you should stop acting like an idiot!"

"Don't call me an idiot, idiot!"

"Right, sorry your Stuck-up-ness!"

"Don't you dare!"

"Or what?!"

Arthur stepped closer and shook his finger. "Or heads will fly!"

Merlin huft and backed up. He turned towards Gwaine who was trying not to explode with laughter. Arthur turned to where Merlin was looking.

"Why are you still here? Go, get out of here and get Persival ready. Excuse Oliver, but I wouldn't be needing so many companions. " He said calmly.  He followed the knight with his stare, and when he closed the door he snapped at Merlin. "Right, you are going to stop acting like that."

"What did I do? You are the one that has been yelling and screaming your head off!"

"Now you are the one who is doing it!"

"Don't turn this on me, you royal-arse!"

"Stop with the name calling, idiot!"

"You stop first! "

Arthur huft and stared for a moment. He smirked.


"You look marvellous when you are angry, bet Gwaine can't have enough when you are riding out."

Merlin breathed rapidly trying to calm down. No use. "Alright, that's it!" He swang a fist but Arthur caught it. When he tried with the other he only scrapped the surface of Arthur's cheek.

"Wow,  calm down there Merlin, I don't think you want to sleep in the dungeon." Arthur stepped in closer between Merlin's legs and backed him up on the wall. It took only two steps for Arthur. He tilted his head and leaned in so he was brushing his nose. "Anyway, you become jelly when I touch you. You are hopeless." He whispered starring straight into his eyes.

Merlin felt Arthur's hot and sweet breath. He wanted to lean in more and just bite, lick or kiss him. Anything would be good. But anything couldn't happen. He just held his breath. Arthur's grip was tight enough to hold him in place. "So what are you going to do? Punish me?"

"I'm sorry for yelling and name calling you. Do you forgive me?" He asked sweetly.

"Sorry? Wow that's new." He paused in thought. "Alright, I forgive you for being such a-" Arthur pressed his warm lips on Merlin's before he could finnish. The kiss was short but filled with magic. It was so magical that the vase sitting near them shattered into pieces and made Arthur jump. Merlin was still pressed up against the wall shell shocked from the kiss and the slip of his magic. Arthur looked around then went back to Merlin.

"Are you hurt?" Sounding so caring, he examined Merlin's face and body. His hands travelling up and down searching for scratches or any other wounds.

"No." Merlin stuttered. He slipped away from Arthur. "I need to pack, if you may excuse me." He walked out of the door and headed to his quarters.

Arthur on the other hand was happy. Happiness filled his chest and he felt heavenly. His grin was superglued to his face. He made his way to his bed and just dropped down on it. Taking a pillow he sqeezed it into a hug. "Merlin you are so adorable." He repeated as he berried his face into the soft pillow.

(From another perspective, it would look like he was a teenage girl after her first encounter with her crush.)

Merlin opened the door to the lab and rushed to his bedroom. Luckily Gaius wasn't in so he didn't need to explain his flaming face. Once he entered his bedroom he sat on the edge of the bed and thought for a moment. The more he thought the more he could remember the kiss which ment his heart was accelerating and his face (and ears) were growing red. He dropped back, "He should say sorry more often." He giggled to himself and curled into a ball.

-Later on.-

Merlin secured the saddles and added fresh water to their drinking bottles.

"Hello my dear raven." A hand snaked on his shoulder. Gwaine stood behind him with a bright smile.

"Stop flirting let's move!" Percival called while going down the stairs. Merlin stepped back and waited for Arthur to arrive.

"Stop laying around and get a move on." Arthur trotted down the stairs.  He jumped on his horse and instructed the others.

Merlin climbed on his horse and followed the others as they sped away.

"Here we go again." He sighed.

A Warlock and a Stuck up Prince CharmingWhere stories live. Discover now