Sword in Stone (part 2)

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The head rolled at Arthur's feet, sword dripping with the fresh blood of dark green. Merlin was already packing their horses. Gwaine and Percival helped each other to calm their minds from such a rush of events.

It was dawn of morning as the sun rose and the first song of sparrows filled the cool air. The trees, sky and ground seemed to once again merry each other. The clouds made the rouge sky into a milky lullaby.

"You. Get me a flask of water." The royal said coldly to the warlock.

Merlin bowed and followed the order. The harsh words seemed to cut deep making his chest even more heavy. He handed the flask to his master head low, as were his spirits.

Arthur reached forward and grasped Merlin's hand with the leather sack. His other hand reached beyond that and lifted the boy's chin. "Did I do this to you?" He spoke quietly, a tone of regret and sorrow.

Merlin closed his eyes and shook his head. "Not your doing, or by your will." He said in the same tone. Reaching up, he held the prince's hand. "I need you not to worry-"

"Absurd." Arthur's thumb wiped off the blood drop from the cut on the warlock's cheekbone. "All I wish from you is the pure truth." His eyes narrowed, lips turned into a straight line.

The warlock nodded. "Of course." He took in a deep breath and exhaled shakily. "I-I am your servant and I was destined to be by your side." He said slowly, opening his eyes and looking up. "The great dragon told me that our futures are entwined into one shared path. He described us as one gold coin with two silver sides." He smiled shortly, it falling as he continued to explain. "I was born with this gift...curse as your father sees it. I have began to train body and mind to master the essence of magic only in favor of you." He let out another breath.

"Have you used this magic of yours before?" The prince lowered his hand to the other's shoulder.

"I have, only in places where your or others' lives have been in danger." Merlin swallowed hard. "I have-I have never intended harm to others unless it was the only way to help you." He looked down, stuttering.

Arthur shuts his eyes and sighs. He pulls away. "You...will not be in danger. We will return to Camelot, to my father and gift the head of that thing." He ruffled his hair. "I want a hot bath waiting for me." He huffed turning away and walking towards the horses.

The warlock looked up, trailing the prince with his gaze. His chest felt tight and his eyes were stinging.

Meanwhile, Gwaine was enjoy the soft touches and warm words from Percival. They were in an embrace which put them at ease with the recent events.
"Wait, come here." Percival pulls Gwaine closer. He rips the bottom of his undershirt and soaks it in water then proceeds to wipe off the dirt and dry blood on the side of his face.
"You know I am alright, I don't need you to nurture me." The knight pouts like a stubborn child.
"Ridiculous. You need someone to nurture and bathe you." Percival chuckles, looking in the other's eyes for a moment. However, that look lasted longer, for all Gwaine knew it could have lasted hours before they averted eyes.

"We rest the night, we ride at first light." Arthur threw down some sticks and dry grass. "Get yourselves ready for the long ride."

"Long ride, sire? It does not take but a few hours to get to Camelot." Percival stood up and arranged the new fire place.

"If it would not rain, indeed. Though the air feels heavy and wet." The prince brought his blanket to the new site and sat down.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2015 ⏰

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