The First of Many

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"Sebastian?! Oh my gosh Sebastian!" Bella cried from her spot on the couch. She slowly got up, balancing her weight on the arm of the couch.

"No, no, no don't get up for me. I'll come to you." The dark haired man smiled brightly and came her to side.

"It's so good to see you Seb." Bella grinned as she hugged him tightly. Chris came back from the guest room where he had put Sebastian's bags.

"You know, you're the only person to call me Seb. And I'd like to keep it that way." He pushed back a few strands of hair that didn't reach into his little man bun at the base of his neck.

"Sebastian is going to be staying with us for a while." Chris smiled at Bella who was still beaming and excited about him being here.

"Really? That's wonderful Seb!" Bella tackled him in another hug.

"If I stay here long enough I could get enough hugs to last the rest of my life!"


"Chris is on set, so it's just you and me kid." Sebastian said plopping down on the couch next to Bella, he grabbed a handful of her popcorn and got a pop on the wrist for it.

"That sounds like fun." She said half paying attention, the TV show on before her capturing most of her focus.

"Ew! Oh my... What?! How can you watch this?! While you're eating too!" Sebastian started yelling.

"What in the world is the matter?" Bella paused the show and looked at the sputtering Sebastian. "All she did was birth a baby, it's a purely natural thing. What else would you expect on Call the Midwife? Honestly Seb you're acting like a teenage boy."

"I'm acting like a sane person!"

"Aw come on, they don't even show anything. Men are so pathetic. Even Chris won't watch this with me."

"Well I can see why!" Sebatian exclaimed again pointing to he stilled screen of a woman's face in mid labor. "This whole midwife show is disgusting."

"You big sissy, how about we watch a movie?"

"What movie?" Sebastian had a scowl on his face much like a grumpy 2 year old that didn't get his juice box right when he wanted it, but was secretly pleased to have it at anytime.

"Oh I know! Captain America: The First Avenger!"


"The Winter Soldier?"

"I don't watch my own works." Sebastian scratched the back of his head and tugged on the hair tie that held all of his chocolate brown locks back.

"You are so picky. Fine, pick out something I'm going to go to the bathroom." Slowly Bella got up and went to the master bathroom. She stopped just in front of the mirror looking at herself.

Thin brown hair, pale skin, sunken face, dull eyes. She had really wasted away. Bella gripped the bathroom counter and looked down at the sink feeling almost like she was going to be sick. But the nauseous wave passed and she felt a little better, her eyes landed on a razor and she suddenly got the bright idea.

The thin hair really made her look worse, so why keep it? She scrounged around in the cabinets looking for the electric razor that Chris used for trimming his beard. Finding what she was looking for she plugged it in and started it up. The buzzing was loud and Bella knew that Sebastian would probably hear, but she didn't care. She was going to show him what she did anyways.

Bella breathed in deep and let the razor run over her head, a pile of brown locks fell to the tile floor around her feet. She giggled at the new bare line across her head, the hair was short and prickly on the palm of her hand and she quickly moved on to the next line. Again and again she buzzed through her hair and the pile grew a little bigger.

She was finished and happy with the product, the hair was short and breezy, it felt good to have her scalp open. Quickly she gathered up all the hair on the floor and put on a proud face to greet Sebastian with. Bella opened the door with great gusto and a huge smile, but she ran into Chris knocking him over and her own small body going down with him.

"Ooohf." Chris groaned as they hit the floor, Bella's face firmly buried into Chris' chest.

"Are you okay?" She asked propping her head up on her elbows that rested on his broad chest.

"Just peachy." He smiled.

"Hey, what are you guy-I'll come back later." Sebastian walked in and pivoted on his heel faster that what Bella thought was humanly possible.

"Get in here Seb, we aren't." She coughed and Chris giggled at her. "Like you think we were. I just knocked over Chris."

"Your hair!" Sebastian suddenly shouted, pointing her her shaved head with a face of pure glee.

"I love it Bells." Chris looked it over and ran his hand through it.

"I'm a lucky girl to have you boys. Constantly praising me and being so sweet." Bella smiled

"Is that all you keep us for?" Sebastian and Chris laughed heartily and Bella smiled again but she felt something wrong.

"Chris." She gasped, her face went white. "Chris help." Her voice started to slur and she fell over on the bed.

"Bells? Bells come on, talk to me." Chris straddled her thighs and held her face in his hands trying to get something from her.

"I'll call the ambulance." Sebastian called rushing out of the room.

Bella's eyes had rolled back into her head and her breathing was shallow.

"Bella! Wake up for me baby! Wake up!" Chris felt tears streaming down his face. "Please wake up Bella."


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