Come Home Chris

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Come Home - OneRepublic

I usually do this at the end but time to change it up.

Chris has two sisters, Shana and Carly. He also has a brother Scott but Scott isn't important in this chapter. (We still love you Scott! <3)

Now I'm sure Shana and Carly are sweet and made of unicorn farts like Chris and Scott. But you may have some resentment towards the girls and I just want to say this is all fiction. Don't get worked up over it. If me making my interpretation of characters a certain way makes you mad I'm sorry.

I know they're real people and stuff but for this fanfic they're characters and I'm adjusting them for my story. So no complaining please 😁. Thanks.


*time jump to a few days of Bella being in a coma*

"Anything new from her?" Sebastian handed Chris a cup of coffee and took his place on the foot of the bed.

"Not since she went under." He sipped his coffee. "I really hope she's okay."

"I'm sure she is. And if she isn't, the doctors can fix it." Sebastian pulled out his phone and started checking social media.

Chris sat in the silence watching Bella. His phone rang and he looked at the screen.

"It's Shana, I better take this." Chris stepped into the hallway and Sebastian nodded.

"Hey sis." He cheered.

"Hey Chris." She sounded stressed and uncomfortable.

"Are you okay? What's up?"

"Where are you?"

"The hospital with Bella and Sebastian."

"That's what I thought." Shana seemed disgusted at Bella's name.

"Why?" Chris was confused.

"Chris, you need to come home." Shana sighed.

"What's going on? Is Mom okay?"

"It's not Mom, it's Dad."

"Is he okay Shana?" Chris tried to keep his voice down to not disturb the other patients.

"You need to come back to Boston." Shana hung up the phone.

Chris stared at the ended call on his phone. His thumb hovered over the home button.  He clicked it twice and scrolled for the messaging app.

To Shana: 'I need details.'

To Chris: 'Come home.'

To Shana: 'But Bella'

To Chris: 'Your family is more important.'

Chris sighed. She did have a bit of a point, if dad wasn't okay and he didn't come to Boston he would never forgive himself. But Bella would be left alone. He could leave Sebastian with her, but how would that look. She wakes up and Chris isn't there. He needed to figure out a way to be in two places at once.

"Hey Sebastian. I just got a call from my sister." Chris stepped back into Bella's room.

"Is everything okay?"

"Um no, apparently something's happened with Dad. Shana didn't tell me much other than I needed to get to Boston as quickly as I could." Chris rubbed his beard. "But I can't be in two places at the same time."

"I can stay here with Bells."

"If she wakes up I want to be here. I want to be here for her." Chris leaned on the foot of the hospital bed.

"You need to be with your family." Sebastian looked off thoughtfully. "And Bella."

"Sebastian Stan the problem solver ladies and gentlemen."

"You're hilarious. Look, just go to Boston in case it's very serious and then come back when you can."

"Alright. I need to pack then."Chris said drafting a text to his manager about a flight to Boston. "I'll be back before I get on the plane. I want to say goodbye."

"Okay, see you then." Sebastian waved as Chris left the room and headed through the winding hospital.

It was strange for Shana to call him like that and not give a lot of information. Did she sound mad? Nah, that was just his imagination. Chris brushed off her attitude as stress related and continued his way to the car.

If Dad was doing really bad, Scott and Carly would've texted too. Chris decided that he would pop over for two or three days and then come home. 2 days. He might be able to survive 2 days without Bella. He had done longer, but that was with 6 hour Skype calls when he should've been sleeping and constant texting.

This would be much much harder.

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