Apple pie

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The rings went on like a broken record

C'mon pick up!

"Hello, this is the one and only Big Mama and if you are gonna prank me then ooh you better watch out cuz I will come for you"

I giggled softly and answered her saying "Hey big mama, it's Sam"

I heard her yelling to someone on the other side of the phone

Well anyways, Heyyy gurl, how have you been doing?"

"Umm I'm okay" I said as my voice cracked

Oh shit

She knows

"Okay baby, I know something is wrong so you better make your way down to the restaurant so I can give you a big 'ol hug and a bowl of my famous apple pie ice cream"

"Are you sure? I mean it's kinda late and I don't-"

"Hush and come down here"

"Okay I'll see you in a bit"



I didn't really tell you who Big mama is did I?

Big mama (whose real name is Louise but you didn't hear it from me) is an old friend of mums. She is my godmother and is the one person that can help me in any situation and I love her so much. She's been like a second mother to me and I always used to stay with her when mum was out of town

I started walking down the street, the wind was cold against my face and sent shivers down my spine. I folded my arms and shivered as I walked towards the old diner at the end of the street.

There I stood in front of Big mama's diner, I haven't been here in ages. They changed the paint from a Firetruck red to a bright yellow which made it stand out from the rest of the shops. The old fire hydrant outside was rusted but still had Dean's and my initials carved in with "best friends forever " written underneath.

A little bell chimed as I walked in. I saw all the regular customers that I know and love. Arty Marky was sitting in the back as usual, sketching away in his notepad and sipping his coffee. He would always help me with art homework in middle school, 4 years later and he's still at it. That's a talented old man

I saw ol' Preppy Poppy in the front with what seemed like a date. She was in her usual attire of a knee length dress with her hair done up. She was really nice but could somehow never keep a guy for more than 3 weeks

Then I saw little Liam sitting on the counter playing with his toy cars. He's Big mama's grandson and is the most adorable fella ever.

"Honey is that you?" Big mama said as she walked out of the kitchen with the promised bowl of ice cream

"Hey big mama" I said as I smiled and hugged her

"Hey baby doll,  come sit down so we can talk about what's bothering you"

I followed her to the navy blue booth that was close to the kitchen. The smell of fresh coffee and Apple pie was lingering in the air and the noise of utensils clattering rang in my ears.

We sat down opposite each other and Big Mama held and hand and looked at as she whispered "What's wrong baby doll"

At that moment I broke down, tears started gushing down my face as I made a pathetic attempt to try to hide it

I told her everything, from the slushie incident, to Dean and AJ, to what happened on the beach

"Aww honey, you poor thing" she said as she got up and squeezed me " I want you to know that everything gets better, it does! All you gotta do is stay positive and keep a good attitude and I promise you that things will turn out just fine. You have to be the change you're looking for!"

"Thank you Lou, for everything"

"It's my pleasure, now why don't you sit down with Liam and I'll get you both a cup of hot cocoa, alright?"

She picked up my empty ice cream bowl and disappeared into the kitchen

Ugh I must look like a mess

I should go into the toilets and wash up

I walked into the bathroom and looked into the mirror. My eyes were red and my hair was a bit messed up but I don't look like that much of a wreck

I washed my face, removed the little makeup I was wearing, tied my hair up into a ponytail and went back outside

I saw Liam sitting in the same place and I got the seat next to him

"Hey Sammy!!" He said as he leaned over and hugged me

"Soo good! Grandma got me this new toy truck and see! It even has lights!!" He said as he put on the tiny headlights on the truck

Its so great to see little kids occupied with something that isn't an electronic

Big mama came out again and placed two huge cups of cocoa right in front of us

Liam's little brown eyes lot up at the sight of marshmallows and whipped cream

"Thank you Grandma!!!" He said as he jumped on the counter and hugged her

She then proceeded to pour herself a cup of coffee and lean on the counter

We talked all night long, i walked out with Louise as she closer up shop for the day.

She gave me a ride home and then I was off to bed

But I couldn't sleep

There were too many things on my mind


And George?!

What am I gonna do?


I'm am v sorry for not updating
I've been really overwhelmed with projects and school work for the past fe weeks so I hope y'all can accept my apology

I'm trying my best to be able to update more regularly

Please comment,vote and send me suggestions for what will happen

Love you all
Kim ❤️

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