I'll sing along cuz I don't know any other song

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I wake up in the morning look like P Diddy

What? No? oh okay....

I walk to the bathroom and look in the mirror

"AAAH" I scream "Holy mother of spaghetti, I could be a zombie on the walking dead right now"

I open the tap and try to wash my face like they do in commercials

Well... Ouch

Let's just say it ended up with me having a sore buttocks

"The luck of the Irish... oh wait that's not me that's Niall Horan"

I have a shower

You know and shave

The usual stuff

Gotta look pretty for Nash Grier.

I got out of the shower and got into sweatpants and a unicorn t-shirt

I started singing Damned if I do ya by All time low into my hairbrush


Because All time low is amazing and why not?

"Oh oh oh how was I supposed to know?

That you were oh oh over me, I think that I should go"



It kept playing over and over again in Billy Ray Cyrus's voice

I started laughing like a sea lion on drugs

My ringtone always scared the living poo out of me but I still kept because well... ITS FREAKIN AMAZING

I headed to my bed and picked up my phone


"Hey Sam, It's George"

"Oh hey, how are you"

"Good, how has your morning been so far?"

You know for a 17 year old, he was quite a gentleman unlike his brothers that act like they were retarded monkeys who have had too much sugar considering they're older than George

"Well I've had a pretty interesting morning" I reply

"Tried to be in a commercial again?"

He knows me so well

"Well not exactly but...." I paused "Yes"

He giggled a bit but then said " Well, for our date tonight, I'll pick you up at quarter past 4?"

"Yeah, sounds good! Where we going?"

"That's for me to know and you to find out "

"Fine, you're a poo face"

"I know, see you then" he says

"Byee" I say then hang up

I smiling big and I mean big like Godzilla big

I had about 5 hours before it had to get dressed so I went downstairs and had leftover KFC for breakfast as I watched Tom & Jerry

That lasted about two hours

"UGHH what to do??"

I decided to go for a skate along the beach

(I know, so typical of me)

I put on my Nike Roshes and shirt that said " We can live like Jack and Alex if we want to"

I grab my board and exit the building

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