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I open my closet dramatically and stare at the contents with wide eyes

Sometimes I really wish I was in a barbie movie

Okay choosing what to wear is hard

Do I go casual or formal?

Classy or boyish

Business casual or hot mess?

Wait what

I need help

Professional help

I pick up my phone and call my only hope when it comes to fashion

My favourite cousin, Levi

She's one of the only girls I trust ,like a lot of people call me a whore and a bitch and all for hanging out with guys 90 percent of the time but girls don't like me, I have no idea why. It's not like I haven't tried to have girl friends, it's just that people think I'm an attention seekers for being the only girl amongst like 30 guys in the skatepark. But the truth is, I'm one of the guys, I've grown up having boys around me, it's what I call my normal. Jerry and Dean aren't friends anymore, they're my bigger brothers and I've known them since I was 10 and I wouldn't have it any other way. The boys have treated me better than any girl at school ever had and I tend to keep it that way

The phone rings, and rings, and rings before I hear a sweet voice at the other end of the phone

"Helloo this is Levi"

"Levi!! Oh my gosh it's been so long!!"

"Sam?! Is that you? I miss you like crazy!!"

"Same here love but listen I have a major emergency and I need your help"

"Is this a fashion emergency?"

"You bet it is"

"Don't move, I'll be there in 10"

And the phone goes blank

Alright so I got ten minutes now, so it's shower time

10 mins later

Okay so I'm outta the shower, nice and clean and smelling like apples


Great I'm hungry now

Grabbing my robe, I walk out of the bathroom and across the hall into my room

I walk in and see a curvy girl with short black curly hair, rummaging through the mess I call my closet

"Darling you must fetch me my silk robe, this fur one is drying out my skin like the Sahara desert" I say in a British accent as I brush my cheap bathrobe

Levi turns around and walks over saying " Oh honey, the fur will help tighten your wrinkly ass skin"

We both crack up at the same time as she wraps her arms around me for a hug and I do the same. This girl honestly means the world to me and I couldn't picture life without her.

"Hey love, I've missed you so much" she says against my boobs which should be awkward but she's like my sister so whatever

"Hey darling"

"Now I would love to sit and chat but I've gotta get you dressed"

She points at the bed and tells me to sit down and moisturise while she picks out a few outfits

After about twenty minutes, she presents three outfits in front of me

"I'm not too sure about this" I say second guessing my decision

"Shut up and go try this on" she replies as she pushes the outfit onto me and turns around, shutting her eyes "Well I'm not gonna hang here forever"

"Ugh fine"

I put on the outfit and smoothen the creases and turn around

"Alright I don't know about this"

Levi turns around and her jaw drops, "You look so gorgeous Sammy really"

I was wearing a black dress which was pretty short for my liking but kinda cute actually

It was really simple, just a long sleeved lace dress

"Alright, now option number 2" Levi said excitedly as she clapped her hands as spun around

"Geez I feel like I'm on How Do I Look"

" Gurl you are ,just there aren't three people in your closet watching you like creeps"

The second outfit was a bit girlies but not that bad

A  white crop top with a high wasted skirt which went up to my mid thigh with a denim jacket


" Yes girl slay!"

The last outfit was a bit more me

I had a camo green jacket on with a white boho kind of top underneath like it went up to my stomach but it was cut and tied around so it looked like a fringe top and a pair of denim shorts

"I didn't even know I had this" I say as I look down at the shirt

"Oh you didn't, until I came" Levi replied and winks

"You did not just cut up one of my tanks!"


"Ugh fine, only because I love you"

Levi squeezed and jumped on me

Well not literally but you get the picture

"So what are you gonna wear huh?" I said whilst I nudged her

"You don't worry about me, you finish getting dressed right?"

Sighing, I left my room and headed to the bathroom where I forgot my phone. As I picked it up, it vibrated as Shauna's name popped up on the screen

Oh god pls kill me

"Okay, today is my birthday. DO NOT screw this up for me"

"What?" I replied obviously confused

"Today is the one day I'll be civil with you just DONT flirt with my man or be alone with him"

This is freaking weird man

I replied " Fine Shauna, I won't"

I hear a sigh on the other end of the phone " Thanks Sam"

And then it was over

Why was Shauna being so nice?

You know what? This is probably a good thing, I should stop looking at all the negatives and focus on the positive, tonight is gonna be great!


Okay firstly I'm so so so sorry for updating so slowly, turns out year 10 is harder than what I expected

So holidays are coming up soon and I'll try my best to update more then

Lots of love
Kim xxxx

The Tomboy (slow updates)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin