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Okay, I've decided that George is Finn Harries

You're welcome

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Sam's POV

Wait a sec..

Did I just tell George I love him?

Oh fadoodlecakes

He laughed a bit and then said "I love you too Sam now leggo"

He said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me into his car

Well not exactly like that cuz you know, I had to shut the door and make sure that there's no way we can get robbed

I ruin a lot of potential romantic moments, don't I?

Well anyways, George decides to be a poopy bag and dosent tell me where we are going...

"Pleeeeeease tell meeeee" I said as I pouted and made puppy dog eyes

"No, it's a surprise" he said whilst keeping his eyes fixed on the road

I folded my arms, pouted and looked out the window

"So, wanna listen to some music?"

Since, he was being a dingus, I didn't answer him..



"Talk to meeee"

Unicorn killer....

Finally after a gazillion hours, (more like 7 minutes) he pulled up to my favorite burger joint

Johnny Rockets

"Well what do ya think?" He said as he leaned back

"Thank you so much Geeorgie" i said whilst hugging him

"C'mon lets go get some burgers"

We went inside and got a booth.

It was nice, for a few hours i get to completely forget about all the poop of my life and focus on an amazing guy

This was gonna be a good night

George ordered our burgers for takeaway?


I wanna stay here

he got back to the table with our bags of food and took my hand and led me out the restaurant and to his car again

What was this boy planning

I looked at him with a confused face

"Just go with the flo" he said as he made the wave motion with his hand

"You're not kidnapping me are you?'


"I knew it"

And on that note, he flew me to his secret lair in the middle of Elsa's castle where he put me in a room with Dylan O'Brien and only fed us strawberry yogurt before Dylan and i hatched a plan, and escaped an flew away into the sunset with Buzz lightyear and Jafar on Santa's sleigh


Jokes, you guys fell for it didn't you?, you little gullible seagulls

He drove us to this old drive in burger place that looks like it came straight out of a 70's movie.

He rolled up to the window where a woman with bright ginger hair and way too much lipstick greeted us with a smile and a southern accent

"Hey guys, Is it just the two of you tonight"

'Yeah, just the two of us" George replied

" Well thats 10.85 "

i was about to speak up and offer to pay but George gave me the most smug look ever and swiped his credit card.

"Well there's your tickets" The lady said while handing him the slips of paper "Y'all have a good night now"

He droe off into a parking space and put a black box in the car

"George, what in the world is going on? Where are we?"

He just smiled, shook his head and pointed into the darkness

I followed his finger as my eyes fell upon this huge screen

It then hit me, this hottie lamottie with a swimmer's body brought me to a drive in theatre

"Oh my god this is amazing"

"I know, Daniel told me bout this place, he told me that i should only bring special people here"

I put my hands up to my face and covered the bottom half of it

He just smiled really big and kissed my forehead

Oh my god, this boy is amazing

We got out of the car and climbed to the roof where we could see the screen clearly

George opened up the bags and gave me my hamburger

MMMMM this is gonna be good

"Ladies and gentleman, the movie 'Grease' will be starting in 5 minutes so please get your snacks from the snack bar and settle in your vehicle for the best movie of all time"

I almost squealed with excitement, "Holy moley i love Grease" i said in a calm tone, i think

"I know, that's why i bought you tonight"

I shuffled closer to him until our shoulders were touching and then took another bite of my burger

The movie started right as we finished dinner

George put his arm around my shoulder as i laid my head on his shoulder

He smells like apples

i like apples

Suddenly, 'You're the one that i want' started playing and George looked at me and started to sing the first few lines

I looked at him and rolled my eyes while singing "You better shape up, cuz i need a man. And my heart is set on you" I poked his chest " You better shape up, you better understand, to my heart I must be true"

We sang the rest of the song and bursted out laughing

"Now that, was fun" he said






After ages of thinking about it, realized how disappointed you guys were that i ended the book so i unended it

I'm gonna continue with this book BUT for the next two weeks, my updates will be either very slow or non existent

I have NAPLAN practice testing on and a lot of responsibilities i need to do so yeah

But after that i'll be on holiday for 2 weeks so i will update more


love you guys

-Kim xoxo

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