Wait what?

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I awoke to the sound of Backstreet boys and the smell of eggs and bacon

Mum must be home

I got out of bed and ran downstairs to see Macy at the stove, swaying her hips to the tune of "Everybody" whilst singing into a purple spatula

"MACY!!" I yelled as I ran up to her and engulfed her in a hug

"Haha hi Sammy, I missed you!" She replied she hugged me back.

"I missed you too mom"

"So I got gifts but last night, Big Mama called me and told me everything and why didn't you call me? I love you more than anything in the world and you know you can talk to me so why didn't you?"

We sat down with our plates and talked about everything, I cried, Macy cried.
We hugged and it was nice

After our sob session, she decided it was time for gifts


She got her suitcase from her room and plopped it down on the floor in front of us, she sat down next to me on the couch and nudged me to open it

I unzipped the suitcase to find it filled with gift wrapped boxed

I looked up at Macy while I said "Is this all for me?"

"No there's gifts for Uncle Steven, Aunt Sandra, Brett, Great Aunt Louise, Big Mama, Spider pig, Harry Styles and the entire cast of How I met your mother"

Goddamn that sarcastic woman

I just giggled and playfully bumped her

"Just kidding but the Chris Evans calendar is for me alright? He might be married but ooh is that man a big hunk of beautiful junk" she replied as he got up and started clearing up

"Need help there" I asked just hoping she'd say no

"Nah you open your presents"

I carefully got out the first rectangular box and placed it on my lap. As I untapped the gift paper, a black box came into my view. Is this what I think it is

I quickly tore off the rest of the paper to find a record player


Mom giggled from the kitchen saying "I guess you found the VIP Mkto tickets huh?"

I jumped up from the couch and turned around "WHAT?!"

"Oops did I spoil the surprise?"

"MOOOOOOOOOM" I said whilst hugging her "I LOVE YOU SO SO SO SO MUCH"

"Sam I love you but a lady gotta breathe"

"Oh yeah sorry"

I spent the next 3 hours playing with my gifts and just thanking Mum 107 times

She counted.....

I ended up getting the record player, vinyls, The tickets, a varsity type jacket with "Winchester" written on the back and a box full of 'Open when' letters.

The afternoon was spent chatting, watching reruns of Hannah Montana and eating whatever junk food was left in the house.

"So who are you taking to the concert?" Ma said while munching on some Pringles

"What? Aren't you coming with me?"

"Haha honey, are you sure you want a 39 year old woman who knows nothing about the music of the 21st century with you? And plus I have an event in Washington that weekend"


"I'm sorry babe, why dont you ask Dean?"

"Oh yeah umm sure"

"What's wrong? Isn't he coming over for dinner like he does every Sunday?"

"Umm mum, the AJ thing..."

"Oh right, don't worry about it! You'll find someone"

"I hope so"



I picked up my buzzing phone from the kitchen table

"Hey Sam" a deep voice said that sent shivers down my spine

"Hey Rory....  What's up?"

"Not much really, I just wanted to ask if you wanted to hang out with Shauna, myself and some of the gang tonight? We are celebrating Lily's and Cory's birthday and I thought you should come"

"Umm who's gonna be there?"

"Well Shauna and the girls obviously, Dean, Jerry, Leon, George and the rest of the skaters and the rest of the cheerleaders and jocks"

"Oh um I'll think about it, thanks though"

"Its alright.... Oh and Sam?"


"I really hope I see you tonight"

He hung up after that

So many freakin mixed signals

Ugh kill me now

I go through my contact list and find Jerry, I need to talk to him

The phone rang thrice before I heard "Ayy Shazza"

His voice instantly calmed me down

"Hey Jerry"

"What's up, is everything alright?"

"Umm yeah, Rory just called"

"What? Are you guys talking again after what happened with..."

"I don't know, he invited me to the party tonight but I don't know if I should go, I mean if Shauna sees me there"

"Hey hey hey, she won't do anything as long as you're with us, I won't leave your side the whole night"


"You have my word"

"Okay then, I guess I'm coming"

"Awesome, do you need a ride there?"

" Yeah I think so"

"Cool, I'll pick you up at 5"

"Sounds good, see ya then"

"Bye Sammy"

I hung up the phone and put it for charging.

Tonight is gonna be interesting

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Alright guys so I'm gonna be changing this up a bit and instead of writing in past tense I'm gonna right I'm present tense as Sam's POV

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