Boardwalk and Boys

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We all started walking to the boardwalk since we live right across the street from it. Everyone kept looking at us since we had such a huge group. I was so embarrassed. "I'm so excited to get married to you." Justin said. "Yeah, me too." I lied. as we were walking I saw David and his gang. They were all staring at us. Now I was really embarrassed. He laughed. "Great job Celeste. You blew your one shot for him to like you back." I whispered to myself." I looked back up and they were gone. "Um, I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back." I said to Justin. "Okay." he said back. I started running through an alley way and started crying. I was embarrassed in front of my love. I started running down the alley and ran into someone. "In a rush?" The voice asked me. "No, not really." I answered back. The man came out of the shadows and it was David. He helped me up. "Sorry." I said nervously. "It's all good." he said. I smiled. "So I saw you on the boardwalk, with that big family of yours." he said. "Oh, you saw that fiasco?" I said "Yea, it was kinda hard to miss." he said. I laughed. "The names David." he said. "My names Celeste." I answered. "So who was that guy you were with?" He asked. "Oh...Him? He's my fiancé Justin." I answered. "Oh, you're getting married?" He asked. "Yea,but I don't really love him." I said bluntly. "Wow, that was blunt." he said. "Well it's true. He asked me to marry him after being together for six months. I said yes because I panicked." I said. "But I love you." I said mindlessly. He looked shocked. "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have said that." I said embarrassed. "Do you mean it?" He asked. "Well yea." I said. "Well to be honest with you, I love you too." he said. I smiled. "You do?" I asked. "Yes." he said. "Well that's great it's just that... what do I do about Justin?" I asked. I couldn't just call the wedding off when it's two months away. " Come back here again tomorrow. Same time. Try to come alone, but if you can't...sneak out." he said. " Okay." I said. He kissed me on my forehead and I blushed. "Now go before they think you ran off or something." he said. I laughed and we parted ways. I couldn't believe that David felt the same way about me. I walked back to the boardwalk and found my family. We all walked back to the house. Once I got home I got undressed and got into my pjs. Then I got into bed. I lied there thinking about David till I fell asleep. I couldn't wait for tomorrow night.

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