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I couldn't believe what David was asking. This is insane, David's a vampire and I fell in love with him! This is too much. "I don't know. What about my family?" I asked. "That's usually the hardest part. You would have to leave them...forever." Answered David. "I don't know if I should. I would have to think about it. I barely know you guys anyways." I said. David looked me straight in the eyes and pulled me close and said "We will protect you. You'll be with me all the time. You won't have a worry in the world. Be one of us. Please." David said. It sounded almost like he was begging me. "Really, I have to think about it.  Anyways I have to get home. It's getting late." I said. " Let me take you home." David said. "I don't think that's a good idea. My parents know about what happened at my wedding and they could get you arrested." I said. I didn't want David to get arrested. It wouldn't be good. "Well then let me drop you off at the boardwalk and the. You could walk the rest of the way home." David suggested. "Okay. That's sounds fine." I answered. It was only going to be David and I so we wouldn't get noticed as easily. We hopped onto his bike and we left. I couldn't believe he was a vampire and he wants me to become one. It was all so sudden and everything has been rushed. It could take me a while to make up my mind. We were at the boardwalk before I even knew it. I got off and I looked back to David. "Meet me here tomorrow night at about 8pm." David told me. "Okay, I'll see what I can do." I answered. He kissed me then rode off, them I started walking back home. I had a lot to think about.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2016 ⏰

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