Meeting up with David

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It was about 8pm and the sun was starting to set. We all walked out to the beach and stood there for about a half hour. We just stood there in silence and no one said a word. It seemed like everybody else was being quiet too. Then after that we all headed back home. "Is it okay if I hang out on the boardwalk for a little while longer?" I asked my mom. "Yes, of course...but not too long." She said. I nodded and started walking to the boardwalk. I didn't do to much I just hung out around there and was walking along the beach. I looked at my phone and it was 10pm. I still didn't see the boys. I started walking back up to the boardwalk when I heard a roaring of engines behind me. It was David and the boys. I stopped where I was at and started rethinking my decision about seeing David. I still can't stand the look of his face after what happens last night. I started to regret seeing David again after everything that happened. I turned around and started walking towards the boardwalk. They all got off and started walking towards me. I started to walk a little faster and they did too. I then started running. I ran through crowds of people with all the lights and noises. It was hard to get through a crowd of people but I still managed. I finally stopped and looked behind me. No sight of David. I turned back around and David was in front of me. I tried to make a run for it but he grabbed my arm before I could even get a running start. "Let me go." I demanded. "Please just let me talk to you." He said. "I already told you I didn't want to see you." I said. "Then why were you just standing around on the beach with no one with you?" He said. "It was because I was at Justin's  memorial that my family had on the beach." I said. "Why do you care so much about this guy you didn't even love?" David asked sincerely. "I don't love him, but I did it out of respect." I said. "Now, leave me alone. I told you I don't want to talk to you." I said as I started walking away from him. I was waking away from him he somehow got in front of me. I started getting scared. "How'd you do that?" I said worriedly. "Please don't be scared Celeste." David said. "Is there something I should be scared about David?" I asked. I heard someone yell my name and I turned around to see Joyce, my best friend. "HELP JOYCE!" I yelled. She started running towards me but before she could reach me David grabbed my arm and started running towards his motorcycle. "Let me go!" I yelled at David. He didn't say anything. He got me to his bike but I refused to get on. "Get on the bike Celeste." David said sternly. "No David." I said scaredly. "Get on the bike!" He yelled at me."No!" I yelled at him. His eyes turned to a fierce yellow color. He took my arm and pulled me on his bike. I looked behind me and saw the other three boys right on his tail. I saw Joyce standing on the beach with two cops as we rode off into the night.

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