Broken Home

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I was finally in the driveway of my house. I was walking for a good half hour but whatever. I was at the front door when I heard roaring behind me. I saw 4 headlights. It was the boys, I know it. I opened the door and got inside quickly and locked the door before the boys got to me first. I started walking up to my room when my mom stopped me. She was sitting in the living room. "Oh my goodness sweetheart, you're back home!" My mom said. She hugged me. " Well I'm fine so you can go to bed." I said to her. "What did that boy do to you?" She said as she noticed my bruised cheek. "The boy didn't do that to me, Justin did." I said. "What? Justin is a sweet boy he wouldn't do that!" She exclaimed. "Well he got mad at me and he hit me across the cheek." I said calmly. She looked very shocked. "I-...I'm so sorry Celeste. I didn't know he was abusive." She said sadly. "It's not your fault, I didn't know he was like that either." I said. "Um, you happen to know where" She asked. I felt saddened. "Well..." I started to say. "He's......well he's......dead." I finally said. My mom just looked at me. "But that's impossible. He was at the wedding and everything, then he ran off with you when those delinquents came and crashed your wedding. That was the last time I saw him." My mom said. "Well the lead delinquent killed him." I said as I walked upstairs. "I'm so sorry Celeste. We'll get that boy imprisoned for what he has dine to you and Justin." She said. "Don't worry about it mom. I loved that delinquent, not Justin." I said suddenly. Wow, I actually had feelings for David. Like true feelings, I actually said them aloud. I ran up to my room before my mom could ask anything else. I ran in my room locked the door and jumped on my bed. I lied there thinking about everything that happened tonight. Justin's dead, the boys crashed my wedding, I have no idea where the rest of my family is at especially my dad, and I have feelings for David. This was a crazy night and I still can't believe I have feelings for David, the one who crashed my wedding and killed Justin. This was insane. I lied there thinking about David till I fell asleep.

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