Wedding Day and Uninvited Guests

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Two months later: Celeste's Wedding Day
"I can't believe it's my wedding day already." I told Joyce. "I know right? Are you excited?" She asked. "Yeah, totally." I said as I rolled my eyes. I didn't want to get married. I wish I told David my answer sooner. I really want to be with him, not Justin. "What's wrong Celeste? You seem out of the ordinary." my mom asked. "Oh no, I'm fine." I said as I was staring into space. I just wanted to disappear, never to be seen again. Which I was planning to do. I was going to run away with David and the other boys. I don't what to do now. I couldn't get married then run off and never be seen again. I walked around and kept thinking about David. What will he do when he finds out I'm married when I see him next time? Will there even be a next time? Will I even be able to see him again? I started panicking. I started breathing heavily. I went to my mom and said "I don't think I can do this." she looked at me. "Oh, don't worry honey, you just have cold feet that's all." she said. "No really mom." I said. "Well let's get you down the isle before the sun is all the way down." She said. My mom pulled my all the way outside and at the end of the isle. Everybody was looking at me. My dad linked arms with me and started walking me down the isle. I was scared out of my mind. I didn't want this to happen. I wish David would fly in and save the day, and take me far, far, away from here. I was standing at the alter and Justin took my hands and I kissed my father on the cheek. The sun started setting and the sky was growing dark. The whole time I was thinking about David. Then all of a sudden the wind started blowing really hard and things were flying around and I heard the sound of a motorcycle engine. Then I saw David and his gang ride up to the end of the isle. "David?!" I yelled. "Wait. You know this guy?!" Justin asked. "Yes." I said. As I started walking toward David, Justin grabbed my arm and started pulling me toward our reception building. The wind was still blowing really hard and Justin kept tripping and falling. He still had a strong grip on my arm. I looked over toward David and for some reason everyone was trying to protect me from him. Justin pulled me inside, and ran down a hall. I saw David and his gang coming after us. I managed to get my arm out of Justin's grip and started running the opposite way. Justin ran after me and grabbed my arm again. "Don't fight me Celeste." He said. "Why won't you let go of me?" I yelled at him. "Because, I know you're going to David. I know about the night you snuck out to see him." he said. "Why do you care? I bet you don't even love me!" I yelled. "Of course I love you Celeste. I've always loved you." he said. "WELL I DONT LOVE YOU, I LOVE DAVID!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. Justin got mad. He let go of my arm and slapped me across the cheek. Tears started building up in my eyes. I tried crawling toward the door before it burst open and David walked in. He saw me on the ground and my bruised cheek. David got mad. David ran towards Justin and grabbed him by the neck while one of his friends with long, dark, brown, hair helped me up. "Get her out of here Dwayne...NOW!" David yelled. He helped me up and brought me to my dressing room. "Get changed quick so we can book it out of here." Dwayne said. "Okay." I answered back. He closed the door and I got dressed into my ripped jeans, my Doors muscle shirt, my leather jacket, and my converse. I quickly wiped all my makeup of my face and put my hair up in a ponytail. I opened the door and Dwayne was waiting there for me and he led the way to David. When we got back to the hallway, it was covered I blood and so was David. I was in shock, I was scared out of my mind. Then I saw Justin, all torn up and bloody. David killed him. I screamed. David ran up to me and said "I'll explain later." Then he grabbed my hand and led me all the way outside. The wind was still blowing like crazy and David brought me to his motorcycle. We all got on and I asked "Where are we going?" And he said " Somewhere far, far, away from here." I smiled but was still in shock about David killing Justin. Then we rode off into the night, getting lost in the shadows.
Did you like what I did there? I said getting lost in the shadows like from the song Lost in the Shadows in the Lost Boys movie? Well I hope you enjoyed this long chapter! I'll be updating soon. Bye my lovelies!✌️✌️✌️

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