chapter 7

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(Chloe's p.o.v)

The one thing I hope Maddie does not do is spill my biggest secret. That secret would ruin me forever but knowing Maddie she will.I just need to block off any way of her getting that video.I know I was only like five but It definitely will ruin my already crushed reputation.

∞time skip∞

I walk over to my usual lunch table and as I am walking I hear words like slut,whore, fat,etc. but I wont let it get to me I am stronger than some silly words. As the day goes on things get worse whenever I ask a question no one answers. Then at the end of the day I hear someone say hey come watch little Lukasiak make a fool of herself. Then people go up to the school's TV and I hear the worst thing possible my secret video but when I get to the front I see that it is some girl I don't even know standing there holding the remote. I run home and go to my bathroom and grab my razor and think about cutting but then I say to myself no Chloe don't do it don't let them get to you I walk out and see Kalani and she asks me if I cut and I said no and so she told me to show her so I pull down my sleeves,lift up my shirt, and lift up a small part of my shorts and I have no marks on me she has a relieved look on her face and she hugs me saying thank you.

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