chapter 22

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Chloe is in a coma and could not ever wake up or it could take years, months, or just days you can never tell. That was the sentence that ruined my life forever. Good luck was the last words I ever heard from her a stupid dance team ruined her life and mine with it. I did the duet as a solo and I dedicated the win and the dance to Chloe because I just knew that she had a chance of not making it. I wore her costume and did her part of the dance. She was in a coma for 10 months and then Christi called me and I was hoping it was something good. I remember that day like it was yesterday even though that was a whole year ago today was the day my world ended. I am going over to Christi's house today to play with Clara and keep her mind off of it. Maddie was glad she made up with Chloe when she did because even though they only had two days of being friends she was glad to know that when Chloe did pass it was with them friends and that she stopped herself from making Chloe killing herself too soon. She was so shaken up about it all that she hasn't left her house for a whole year. At Abby's studio they have a memorial for her and a dance scholarship for poor kids who want to train at aldc. Rickey moved on and was really upset at first but for right now we all know she is in a way better place. We all still miss her though.

(Chloe's p.o.v)

I miss all of my friends especially Paige, But i still watch over her everyday. I even visit Maddie sometimes I just wish she could move on but some people heal in different ways. I'm glad Rickey moved on from me i just wanted him happy. I finally got my wings today and that made me a lot more happy up here. Every night I watch over Clara and my parents they all seem pretty happy right now I just hope Clara stays happy and doesn't grow up to become sad. God granted my mom with a new baby to make her happy again. She is due in a couple of weeks which is pretty exciting.Well I have to go watch over them now. Bye.

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